Chapter 14: Forensics For Dummies

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      It took Amy almost an hour to find The Los Angeles Crime Lab, especially being that her class hadn't taken any field trips in the area, much less to the actual establishment, but after Googling the location on her iPhone, she eventually found her way. Why were maps always so damn hard to read on such a small screen? She would have preferred a printed out copy. Well, beggars couldn't be choosers. It was a good thing she wasn't on a time schedule. 

Steve said he'd be around a while so that was a relief. As long as she got to him before nightfall, she had nothing to worry about. Honestly, that was the least of her worries nowadays. When Victor got out of jail, he was going to be all over her and not in a good way. She would need maximum security protection. Maybe she should start brushing up on her defense skills. A trip to the gym would do the trick, beat at the punching bag a little, but she had a date with Andrew tonight.

The last thing she wanted was for Andrew to show up at her apartment and for her to reek of sweat from being at the gym for hours. She might be exhausted by the time she got home, and then she wouldn't feel like doing anything but staying in and resting her sore muscles. And if she took the time to shower again, well, she would make them late to the movie or dinner, depending on what they chose to do first. She didn't really care as long as she was with him. 

Okay, so skip the gym. She could do that tomorrow. Still, there was no time like the present if she wanted to take Victor down on her own, but she couldn't cancel on Andrew. They both deserved to go on their first and better yet, a normal date, that took place anywhere but at that god forsaken hospital.

Pulling up in the parking lot outside of the large two story building, she shut the engine off, grabbed her purse and turned to get out of the car. She wasn't surprised to see that the sheriff's office sat adjacent to the crime lab. As she walked into the extensive building, she headed down a broad corridor with dark blue linoleum floors, cringing as the heels of her boots clicked noisily against them.

 As she walked into the extensive building, she headed down a broad corridor with dark blue linoleum floors, cringing as the heels of her boots clicked noisily against them

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A few people passing through the hall glanced curiously in her direction. Damn, why didn't she wear her Sketchers? 

Most of the people there looked to be in their late thirties, possibly early forties, leaving her to wonder if she'd ever get a job here in the near future. Maybe the people her age were already hard at work in the lab, or next door in the sheriff's office filing some boring old paperwork. A dark-haired Caucasian woman looked up from the desk to her right. She wore black rimmed reading glasses over her piercing dark eyes, had a short bob and a friendly smile.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

Stepping up to the desk, she rested her forearms on top of the gray laminate counter and leaned against it. "Yeah, I'm here to see Steve Jennings. He's one of the CSIs and he's expecting me."

The woman nodded her head, reaching over and picking up the phone beside her, holding her index finger up, "just a minute." She pressed a button on the phone then spoke into the receiving end, her voice echoing through the hall over the loudspeaker, "CSI Jennings, you have a visitor at the front desk. Jennings, a visitor at the front desk." She pressed another button then set the receiver back in its cradle before looking up at her. "He'll be right with you. Why don't you have a seat." She gestured towards the navy blue metal chairs across from her.

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