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The sunlight from the room's small window danced on your eyelids. You woke up in Bucky's warm embrace. He looked so peaceful. You checked the time on your watch, it was 12 PM already. Your shift started in 8 hours, so there was nothing to rush for. You poked Bucky's fleshy arm. He shifted around you and tightened his hold on you, unconsciously nuzzling into the crook of your neck. You poked his arm once more and whisper-yelled "Hey! Soldier boy. Wakey wakey." He opened his eyes groggily and noticed where his head was placed, he removed it awkwardly "So-sorry." he said, still half asleep by the looks of it. You frowned playfully "You don't have to be sorry, you were comfortable." he nodded and you slid out of his grasp. "Where are you going?" he asked. "I'll be right back." you replied, sneaking out the door and heading to the cafeteria.

You gotta hand it to em', for an evil organization, HYDRA did breakfast pretty well. They had a coffee and tea bar, pastries, oatmeal, bacon; every breakfast food you could think of. You considered giving Fury some pointers once you get back.

You suddenly remembered had to go back.... without Bucky. Your mission was to gather intel on the Winter Soldier, not rescue him. But you couldn't leave him... not now. You were the closest thing he had to a friend.

You dismissed the thoughts about the future and grabbed two cups of tea and two croissants, then made your way back to Bucky.

He looked up as the door opened and smiled a little when he saw the food. "I thought you deserved it." you said returning the smile and handing him the provisions. He ate it up quickly and tried to scarf down the tea, but spat it back out once he realized it was burning hot. "What do they feed you?" you ask. "Mush.." he replied plainly. That would explain why he almost inhaled the breakfast you'd brought him. He chuckled a bit at your disgusted look. "You get used to it."

He heard you yawn and looked up. "You still tired?" he asked. You nodded and he moved his legs so you could extend yours. "Sleep." he said. You nodded again, not really thinking about what he said. You drifted off to sleep again and woke up at 8 to start your shift at the door.

A/N: Sorry for not posting in like a month lolol, stuff goes down I the next chapter!! Be prepared!!!

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