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I'm baaaack! Here is a nice long chapter for you, as an apology for being absent for months on end. Also, happy new years! OKAY ENOUGH SMALL TALK, on to the story :)

The room was spinning as you opened your heavy eyelids. The familiar smell of the SHIELD infirmary filled your nostrils. You turned your head just enough to see Steve sat in the chair next to your bed, waiting for your wake.

He saw you were moving and jumped to your side "Y/N! How are you feeling? They got the bullet out, you're fine, but you just need bed rest to recuperate." A million questions raced through your head, but you only managed to muster out the first that came to mind.

"Where's....B-Bucky?" you mumbled. Steve sighed "He's confined as of now. Fury says we can't be too careful, he may still be dangerous." You tried to argue against it, tried to tell him that Bucky had changed, he wasn't HYDRA's little robot anymore, but all your throat gave you has a couple of dry coughs. "Shhhhh Y/N," Steve brushed your hair out of your face carefully. "I'm here for you, and as soon as you get better, you can go see Bucky"

"Promise?" you let out in a small whisper

"Promise" Steve reassured you as he kissed your forehead. "Sleep now, Y/N. You need it." You nodded and rolled back over on the hard hospital bed. The soft beeping of the machines lulling you into slumber

About two weeks later..

The doctor discharged you from the infirmary, but you still had to walk only when necessary. Due to your temporary disability, you were doomed stay out of the field to the next few months.

As soon as you got dressed and freshened up, you made your way to where they had contained Bucky. It was an entirely white room with a comfortable bed, a single nightstand next to it, and a mirror that served as a window on the other side. It was a step up from HYDRA, but it was no Marriott. You looked in on him, he was sat on the side of the bed reading a book that was in the room. He looked cleaner, they had him wearing a simple grey shirt that seemed a little too small for his muscular build and a pair of sweatpants. They had cleaned any wounds and gave him something to tie his hair back. All together, he looked healthier, yet you could tell something was on his mind.

The guards gave you the okay to go in, you unlocked the door and stepped inside, knocking on the door frame. He looked up and smiled. That was the first time you've ever seen him smile. He closed the book and practically jumped into your arms like a little puppy. You realized this was the first time he'd seen you since you broke him out.

"Y/N" he whispered into the side of your neck. "I'm so glad you're okay. That was all my fault."

You pulled him back and looked him in the eye "Don't say that, it's no ones fault. These kinds of things tend to happen on the job." You gave him a warm hearted smile and he half smiled back, going to sit back on the bed.

He looked down at his hands "You know what you said, back at HYDRA.... about me being a man?" You nodded and sat next to him. He carried on "I'm starting to truly believe I can change, these past few weeks with you have changed me Y/N. I owe you my life." He choked up and you pulled him into you again, stroking the nape of his neck.

"You owe me nothing, James. All I want is for you to know that you are safe, and I will do whatever I can to help you feel like yourself again." He looked up at you, and once again, you found yourself wiping the tears from his soft, worn face.

Steve walked up to the room's window, watching you two. He clenched his jaw, a hint of jealousy bubbling up from his chest. He turned on his heel and walked away "This will be interesting" he mumbled to himself.

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