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You got up from the rusty spring cot and stretched before suiting up for the day. Your "breakfast" was passed through the slot of your cell door. You had about five minutes to eat and dress before they would take you to wipe your memory and get you prepared for your mission.

You shoved the disgusting prison food down your throat and tired to keep it in your stomach as you pulled on your tactical suit. Almost on cue, two men entered, grabbed you by each arm, and escorted you to the room.

You were attached to the machine, and memories were wiped; both short term and some long term. After that, they repeated the sequence of words before letting you go.

"Longing, rusted, furnace, daybreak, seventeen, benign, nine, homecoming, one, freight car"

You were fired up inside and ready to go. The only thing you focused on was the mission ahead of you. The memory of the watch was long gone.

As you walked into the hallway, Abram grabbed your arm, his hot breath making the hairs on your neck stand up as he talked into your ear. "Due to our little outburst yesterday, you'll have some company on today's field trip, some chaperones if you will." He pointed to the guards that stood at the ready.

You went through your training for the day, which was a piece of cake, partly due to the spell they had you under and your background in fighting.

The rest of the day was boring, and it only really begun once you set out to start your mission. By now, you were trusted not to run away, partly because you really couldn't under the mind control, so you were told where to go and sent on your way. With a team of guards by your side, you rode to your destination fairly fast.

You stepped out of the van and into the cold New York air, looking up at the estate in front of you. Something didn't feel right, but you decided to ignore it and headed inside.

You knocked on the door, the team that was escorting you hiding along the outside of the building. Acting out your usual shtick, you gained access inside. The atmosphere was tense, which prompted you to be more cautious and keep your hand on your gun.

You walked into the living room and met the unlucky victim. He was fat and rich, as usual. Even though he tried to keep the focus on him, you noticed something move behind the wall. You pulled out your gun, which caused the man to squeal and back up on to the couch.

All of a sudden, men in black suits surrounded you from all sides of the room, guns pointed at you. You started attacking them one by one, and managed to dodge bullets as your team flooded the room as well. After a decent amount of men on both sides were down, you turned to the scared man on the couch.

You pointed your gun at him, ready to fire until you heard the cocking of a pistol behind your head. You turned around to meet its barrel, and a long-haired man with a metal arm behind it. "Put down the gun, Y/N. Don't make me do this."

You cocked your head confusedly "Y/N" you repeated, trying to remember why that name was so familiar to you. "Y/N, that's you." He told you softly

There was a moment of silence before you kicked the gun out of his hand. You pinned him to the ground "No, it's not." You stated before turning around quickly, shooting the fat old man and taking the hard drive from his body.

You dashed towards the door, but your escape was cut off when you were grabbed by the man with the metal arm. His grip was so tight that you couldn't even wriggle in his grasp. After managing to break his grip, you promptly pinned him down again. You grabbed his pistol and aimed it at him. You were moments away from killing this man, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. Why? He stared into your eyes, panting from the amount of energy it took to try to hold you. You disarmed the gun - throwing the magazine across the room - and made your escape, leaving the man unscathed.

Little did you know, he had stuck a tracker on you...


YO thank you for 11k reads! I hope you're enjoying the book, I know I'm enjoying writing it!

Feel free to give me any suggestions for what you'd like to see/ how I can further the plot

Em x

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