1/ The Realtor

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"I know mom I'll text you back next time but I have to go before I'm late for my client."

"I'm serious Ari!" My moms accent came out causing me to chuckle to myself.

"I know mama, I know."

I picked my keys up off the coffee table before checking to make sure I had all the things I needed.

"Ok I'll talk to you later Ari,love you."

"Love you too." I chuckled slightly as I hung up putting my phone in my purse.

I checked the time on my watch, 1:05. I had to get to the house before my client, wouldn't be a good first impression if they got there before me.

On my way to the house I stopped at Panera Bread and got a bagel for lunch, my appointment was at 1:30 so I had time to stop and get something to eat and still make it there on time.

As I pulled up to the house that was very private I made my bagel wrapper into a ball as I got out grabbing my purse and the papers with all the information on it.

The house was very beautiful. I admired the freshly looking white walls as I walked in smelling what seemed to be vanilla.

"Beautiful." I mumbled to myself as I found the kitchen throwing away my wrapper.

I walked around the house making sure I knew everything to say about every part of the room.

As I was in the bathroom fixing myself up a bit I heard the door bell ring.

I rushed downstairs not wanting to make my client impatient.

"Hello." A bright smiled spread across my face. He was beautiful.

The RealtorDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora