14/Welcome baby

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"She She's in labor." I threw the covers off of me getting out of bed. "What!" "Jaelen's in labor!" Dallas yelled threw the phone. "Oh my god okay I'm getting ready." I hung up putting on a pair of sweat pants. Jaelen was down in Atlanta to have her baby. I don't know how I was going to get there. 


"Aye bruh why you pause the game?" Damani looked at me. "Hol' up your sisters calling me." I grabbed the phone and answered it. "Hey wassup." Damani rolled his eyes pulling out his phone. "Your what?..... Where?.... Ight where Kay?.... Get y'all stuff ready I'm coming." I hung up the phone putting on my shoes. "Where your ass going nigga?" Damani stood up. "Jaelen's in labor we got to go get your sister." With out another word we was both ready making sure to grab our packed bags for London.

"Thank you so much!" Aria opened the back door putting a half sleeping Kaidence in the seat buckling her up. "No problem." I opened the trunk putting her two bags in there. "Where is she?" Damani asked as Aria closed the door behind her. "They're still in Atlanta." Damani looked at me,"How you getting us there." "Don't worry." I pulled off.


A loud noise woke me up, I looked out the window to see a small plane with a man waiting by it. "Cmon I got my private jet to take us." Odell took his keys out the car before looking back at me. "My dogs balling!" Damani laughed as he opened his door admiring the jet. I unbuckled Kay before picking her up. "Just get in the plane me and Damani got the bags."

I walked over too the guy smiling at him. "Thank you." He held onto my free hand helping me up the steps. I looked around the jet in awe. It looked just like a condo , it was so cute.

I kissed Kadence forehead before laying her down in the couch

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I kissed Kadence forehead before laying her down in the couch.

No ones p.o.v

Odell walked into the jet with Damani close behind. "Wow bro, this all you?" He asked putting his bags down. "Yeah." Odell noticed Kay sleeping on the couch and Aria sitting in one of the chairs. "Need any help." She stood up. "No it's fine." Odell kissed kaidence forehead before going over to Aria. "Cmon." He held onto her cold hands leading her to the bedroom that was in the jet.

" He held onto her cold hands leading her to the bedroom that was in the jet

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"Ugh I'm so tired!" Aria said as she sighed,sitting on the edge of the bed. "Lay down and go to sleep, I'll wake you up when we get there." Aria turned to Odell, watching him as he removed his gold chains from around his neck carefully placing them on the dresser. "I can't, in nervous." She kicked her Nike slides off, kicking her feet up onto the bed. "Why?" Odell now began to remove his shoes. "Because, I'm going to be an Aunty, again." Aria sat here thinking of how the baby would look. If the baby would look more like Jason or Jaelen. "Yeah I know, I was nervous when Sonny came." By now Odell was sitting up beside her with a pair of sweatpants and a white shirt on. "I'm just ready to meet her." Aria smiled thinking of her niece, her second niece being born. Aria pulled out her phone scrolling through Instagram. Once she noticed nothing was exciting her she put her phone down looking up at Odell who sat there texting his coach. "You tired?" He finally looked down at her. "Yeah." Aria laid down as she looked back up at Odell. "Do you like staring at me?"Odell smiled, locking his phone and placing it down. "I was not staring." Aria laughed. "Mmmhm sure you wasn't." He pushed the hair out her face as she blushed. "Imma go get Kaidence so Damani has somewhere to sleep." Aria nodded her head as Odell got up headed out the room. Odell soon cane back with a sleeping Kaidence. He laid back down with Kay on his chest. He kissed her cheek before looking at Aria. "Get some rest." She pouted. "Okay." He flashed her that million dollar smile before kissing her forehead as well.

I'm sorry that this is short once again but PLEASE comment baby names(girl) part 2 coming soon.

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