15/Welcome baby pt.2

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No ones p.o.v

Aria's eyes slowly fluttered open as Odell kissed her face while shaking her. "Get up sleeping beauty we're here." Aria sat up stretching and rubbing her eyes. "Where's Kay?" Aria asked looking around the room. "She's in the car with Damani." Aria noticed that Odell was fully dressed again, with his chains and all. "Can you get me my slippers!" She pouted giving him the puppy dog face. "They're right there." He pointed at the floor, right next to the bed. "Oh." Aria laughed seeing her Nike slides. She got out the bed putting her slides on. "How far is the hospital." Odell watched as she put her long and curly hair into this big messy bun. "A few minutes away, not too long."

Odell held onto her hand leading her to the car. The Atlanta air hit Aria making her feel at home all over again. "Get in." Odell held the door open for Aria. She climbed in the car looking back to see kaidence and Damani knocked out in the back.

"You ready?" Odell looked over at Aria as she rested her head on the window." Readier then ever." She cracked a slight smile.

Aria's stomach did backflips the whole way to the hospital. She was nervous. "Nothing to be nervous about." Odell grabbed onto her thigh looking at her for a quick second before focusing back on the road. Aria blushed at the fact that Odell could tell she was nervous. Aria picked up his hand locking their fingers together. Odell smiled, squeezing her hand.

The rest of the ride was silent except for the light snores by the two in the back.

All four of them walked into the hospital. Odell held Kaidence as Aria and Damani walked closed behind. "Uh where's the delivery rooms?" Odell asked the female at the front desk. Aria laughed to herself at the fact that he didn't know what it was called. "4th floor is where the waiting rooms are." Odell thanked her before heading to the elevator.


"Dallas." I smile as I walked over to my sister giving her a hug. "Hey Aria." She hugged me back. She said her hellos to the rest of us.

She led us to Jaelens room. "Omg!" I felt a tear slip out my eye as I seen my sister laying there. Her hair was up in a messy bun and she looked good. "Hey sis." She greeted me with a smile. I went over there hugging her. "I can't wait!" I kissed her stomach. "Me either." She sighed.

"Hey Jason." I hugged him as he sat in a chair next to Jaelen rubbing her belly.

Odell said his hellos to everyone. Everyone seemed to like him, especially the guys.

It was time for the baby to come and of course only two people could stay which was my mom and Jason.

As I walked out I seen damani answer his phone and head in a different direction then the waiting room. "I'm going to go to the vending machine, you want anything?" I asked Odell as I let go of his hand. "A water?" He asked. "Okay I'll be right back."

I walked in the same direction as Damani. I wasn't exactly following him because the vending machine was this way.

As I began to get my stuff I over heard Damani. "You can't do this, please just let me see her!" He pleaded over the phone. I decided to stand there and be mosey. "I don't know where all of this is coming from and I honestly don't care just let me see my child! If you feel that way then so be it but don't bring my child in this!" Damani has another kid! "Fine whatever Kaycee I don't care just don't take her away from me!" I let out a sigh of relief knowing that he didn't have a mystery child. "Kaycee I love you and you know that but this whole new attitude and you accusing me of cheating is real tiring now! Fine we don't have to be together but I'll be damned if I ever let you take my daughter and leave! Over my dead fucking body!" What the hell was Kaycee trying to do!

I rushed away as I heard Damani get off the phone. "Here's your water." I sat down next to Odell handing him his drink. "Thank you ma." I laid my head on he chest and he kissed my forehead.

"Aye D what's wrong." Odell asked as my brother stormed into the waiting room pissed off . He didn't say anything as he sat down pissed as every. I looked and seen a tear fall from his eyes.

What the hell was this bitch doing to my brother.

Soooooo... did y'all forget about Kaycee and her little mother? Not going to lie I kinda did too😂

What do you think she's trying to do/ is doing because Damani seems really upset.

Poor thing really loves her and she's making him so mad!☹️

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