7/ New Bae

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It's been a little over a month since I last heard from Odell. Not going to lie it did make me feel some type of way due to the fact that the week we spent together we seemed to hit it off but I pushed it to the back of my head telling myself he was probably busy with football. I was back home in Atlanta at my moms house. Everyone decided to come home for a week or so because with all of us being scattered all over the United States it was hard for us to spend as much time as we would want to. Another reason I was out in Atlanta was because I did have a client here but most of the reason was my family.

"Aria!" My pregnant sister Jaelen yelled as she came downstairs into the living room." Yes?" I asked once she made it to the living room sitting down next to me on the couch. "Me and Dallas wanted to know if you wanted to go out and get our nails done." Dallas was my older sister,she was 25 with a fiancé and was one of the best lawyers in California. My oldest sister Jaelen was a 28 year old business woman who owned her own clothing company in Maryland that was pregnant with her boyfriend who she had been dating for a few years now. Then there me, a 22 year old single mother who doesnt really do what she wants for a living but aye living in New York isn't cheap.

"Yeah sure, ma will watch Kay." I shut my laptop placing it on the coffee table . "Okay well let's hurry up before Dallas changes her mind." We both laughed as I help her pregnant self up. "Telling me to hurry up but your pregnant ass be doing everything slow." I playfully rolled my eyes at her. "At least I have a reason for that, you on the other hand just slow." I cut my eyes at her causing her to laugh. "Whatever next time your ass can roll off the couch."  I laughed to myself as I walked away to go put my sneakers on to leave. "Dallas hurry up!" I yelled up the stairs as I put my hair in a bun,it's too hot outside to have all the hair on my neck." If you don't stop yelling in my damn house." My mom cut her eyes at me as her and Kaidence walked in the living room with bowls of popcorn. "Mommy where you going?" Kay asked as she struggled a little to get on the couch. "I'm going to go get my nails done with Aunty." "Ooh I want to go." She smiled putting the popcorn down. "Not right now princess, I promise I'll take you next time I go." She pouted before grabbing the popcorn again,so dramatic.

"Alright let's go." Dallas came down the stairs with keys in her hand. We said bye to my mom and Kay before heading out.

"So what your basically saying is that Odell never hit you back after the whole week you spent with his ass?" Dallas asked as we sat in the nail salon. "Pretty much." I shrugged my shoulders. "So I'm guessing you didn't see what was on the shade room?" Jaelen asked as she handed me her phone.

 "So I'm guessing you didn't see what was on the shade room?" Jaelen asked as she handed me her phone

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