10/ Date Night

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"Sis?" I looked up to see Damani walking down the hallway, coming into the living room. "Yes." I sat on the floor in the living room playing with the girls. "You wanna come to my practice today?" He sat down on the floor taking Damia from me. "What time is it?" Today was the first practice for the preseason. "I have to be there by ten." It was currently eight. "Okay I'll get the girls ready so you can do your thing." I stood up taking Damia back, walking into the kitchen.

I sat in the kitchen making Damia a bottle as I rocked her back and forth." Shhh here." I gave her the bottle as she started to cry.

I put Damia down in her rocker, making sure she knew how to hold the bottle before kissing her forehead. "Aunty will be right back.

 "Aunty will be right back

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"Ayo O, how Germany treat you?" Snacks asked me as we were getting ready for practice in the locker room. Today was the first day of practice for the preseason and I was ready to start. Having a little break from football is nice but I missed it.

"It was good. They had a lot of sweets too, you would love it." I cracked a joke and everyone laughed as he rubbed his stomach. "You know it!"

We all stopped laughing as
The locker room doors opened revealing Damani. "Rookie Alert!" One of the guys screamed as players ran up to him, messing around with him. I chuckled to myself before walking over there. "Aye y'all back up off the dude he just got here." I dapped up Damani as the guys walked away. "Shit you got a soft spot for the kid already." Victor joked. I shook my head laughing. "Whatever." I waved them off. "Take the locker next to me." I nodded my head to Damani as I noticed him looking around for a locker. "Thanks man." "No problem."

I walked out the locker room as the rest of the team got ready. I held my helmet in my hand slightly swinging it back and forth as I walked out onto the field. "Odell!" I heard a few fans yell to me as I walked along the field. With only a few of us actually out on the field right about now I decided to sigh a few autographs.

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