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"Kay one toy that's it."

I was in Toys R Us with Kaidence because she was looking for a frozen toy.

"I don't know which one I want mommy!" Kaidence pouted as she had two toys dangling in her hands.

"That one." I pointed to the one in her right hand as
I answer my phone.

"Yes Odell?"

"Well hello to you too."

I chuckled slightly." Hello Odell."

"What you doing shawty."

I busted out into laugher trying to control it because we are in a store.

"What's so funny."

"Nothing." I lied.

"Ok. Well I need your help."



"Really Odell."

"Please! Please,please,please with a cherry on top!"
He whined on the other end.

I laughed. "Fine I'll be there in 15."

"Thanks your the best!"

"I know."

Kaidence finally figured out what toy she wanted so we quickly left the store after that.

"Odell open the dang door or imma leave."

Odell thought it was funny to have me outside on his porch while he laughed not letting me in.

"Fine pack your own damn shit!" I rolled my eyes getting ready to walk away.

"Nah! I was just playing!" He gripped his hands on both sides of my waist stopping me. I got out his grip turning around. "Well you play too much."

"I know, I'm sorry, come in."

I grabbed Kay's hand and walked into Odell's condo. It was nice but it was pretty messy.

The RealtorDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora