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Hey my loves I know y'all are probably so sick of me changing Aria's character but I low key want to go back to having Jasmine as Aria's character so I do have a picture of both girls and their instagram so please comment if I should keep the girl I have now or got back to having jasmine

Hey my loves I know y'all are probably so sick of me changing Aria's character but I low key want to go back to having Jasmine as Aria's character so I do have a picture of both girls and their instagram so please comment if I should keep the girl...

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Comment "Jasmine" if you would like me to go back to her👇🏽

Comment "Jasmine" if you would like me to go back to her👇🏽

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Or comment "Victoria" is you would like me to keep her👇🏽

Or comment "Victoria" is you would like me to keep her👇🏽

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Please comment my loves😘

The RealtorDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora