Show What You Can Do (Mettaton x Reader)

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This is for my very close internet buddy Grim1234 cause she asked for it! Enjoy! I'm sorry if this took long, I've recently been distracted and it's really irritating.


Ever since you fell down into the underground, you were a little distant from everyone.

It didn't change when you met Toriel, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys or Asgore. You just didn't feel a strong connection.

But that changed when it came to Mettaton, you didn't know why you were so attracted to him. Maybe because of his unfaltering beauty, or his amazing confidence, or his flamboyant attitude, or maybe even kindness towards you.

However, you loved to dance, and what caught your eye from him was his talent in dancing.

You loved to hang around Mettaton as much as possible, you weren't as distant as you were with everyone else when you were with him.

"Darling~! (Y/N), where are you?" Mettaton yelled from the hallway.

You were staying at the MTT Hotel for a while to learn to dance. You only asked to learn from Mettaton.

"Just a minute!" You shouted as you quickly got changed.

Downstairs, in a dance room, Mettaton was waiting for you.

"Ok sweetheart, first we have to warm up." Mettaton said.

You nodded and started copying what Mettaton was doing, which were a bunch of stretches.

"You remember the choreography I showed you, right? We're gonna dance to that today. Let's see if you remember correctly, okay?" Mettaton instructed as he placed a boombox next to you.

"Okay, here we go!" He shouted as he turned on the boombox.

And you two started to dance, you got absorbed into the music and dance that you really put a vast amount of effort into it.

After the dance, Mettaton was so impressed at how well you had danced.

"Oh my, darling~! You are amazing!" Mettaton complimented.

You blushed and looked away.

"It wasn't that good." You softly said.

"Oh sweetheart, don't be so modest, that was astounding~! Tell you what, let's bring everyone to see your skills at dancing!" Mettaton exclaimed as he ran out of the room.

He looked really excited, but it was the total opposite for you.

You were terrified.

You never danced in front of a group before.

Mettaton came back and he seemed happy.

"Everyone said they'll be coming in a minute. I can't wait to see their faces when they see you." Mettaton squealed.

"M-M-Mettaton? I-I don't think I-I can d-do this." You timidly looked down at your feet.

"But why darling?" He asked.

"W-Well, I've never danced for a-a crowd before."

He seemed to think for a moment before his expression changed to a 'I just got it' one.

"Wait here." He said before leaving again.

While you waited, you quietly practiced the routine. Time passed and you found yourself dancing for a few hours.

"I'm back! Sorry to make you wait darling~." Mettaton apologised.

He went and reset the music from the boombox.

"Let's go over the dance, shall we?" He said.

You nodded, oblivious to Mettaton's true intentions.

You both danced the whole routine up to where you two stopped.

"Very good, okay everyone, you can come out now!" Mettaton shouted.

On cue, everyone, including Asgore, came out from the curtains.

You eyes widened.

"What did you think?" Mettaton asked.

Everyone started praising you and complimenting your dancing talent.

You blushed out of embarrassment and said nothing.

Mettaton noticed this and ushered everyone to leave.

"Are you alright darling? You seem a little down." He asked.

"It's just, well, I was really embarrassed and uncomfortable." You honestly answered.

"Why is that?"

"Because I don't like performing for people. I have stage fright."

He was taken aback by your response.

"I'm sorry, darling. I really am, I didn't mean to make you feel such discomfort." He said.

You shook your head.

"It's fine Metta, you were with me, so it wasn't too bad." You admitted, but immediately regreted it.

"Awww that's adorable, thank you sweetheart~!" He gushed.

You meekly nodded your head.

"You're so shy, (Y/N). But that's what makes you so cute, and why I love you." Mettaton said.

You were completely caught off guard when he said that. He practically confessed to you.

"I-I love you too, Metta." You responded.

He smiled widely and picked you up, spinning you around and kissed your cheek.

"Now, let's start from the top, love!" He yelled as he turned the music back on.

But you were too tired to even care that he called you a really cheesy nickname.

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