Chapter 22 - Breakfast buddies

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I woke up to the sound of knocking on the door.

*I wonder who it is” I thought.

I opened my sleepy eyes and rolled over to try and poke Sophie to make her get the door.

She wasn't there. That was odd.

There was another knock and I pulled the sheets off me and walked slowly to the door, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

I unlocked the latch and peeled the door open, poking my head out to see who it was.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Brad as he stood outside my door in his jeans and red checked shirt.

"I was wondering if you knew were James was?"

"Why would I know?" I asked.

"I dunno..." He trailed off.

"What time is it?"

"Umm" Brad pulled his phone out from his pocket, "11:43."

"Oh. I thought it was earlier." I looked down at the floor.

"So can I come in then!?" He laughed.

"Um give me a second."

I ran over to the wardrobe and stuffed on my hoodie over my pyjamas.

"You can come in now." I shouted.

I heard the door shut and Brad came into the room and sat on the chair by the desk.

"Where's Sophie?" He asked me.

"Oh yeah. I forget because you came in...I don't know..." I stuttered, still feeling awkward in my pjs even though I had my hoodie on.

"Have you text her?" He asked me.

"No because you arrived. I only just woke up!"

"Oh I'm sorry." Brad looked ashamed.

"It’s okay." I smiled, “I’m going to go and get changed."

"Sure." Brad smiled back.

I grabbed my leggings and purple strappy top and went to the bathroom.

As I was applying some makeup, Brad shouted:

"I got a text from James. He says that he's sorry that he hasn't replied. He went to breakfast with Sophie. He says that he will meet us at breakfast."

I came out of the bathroom, grabbed the key, and walked down to breakfast with Brad.


"So..what happened?" I asked Sophie. She and James were sitting at a table and Brad and I had joined them. After we had finished, Sophie and I had gone to the toilets.

“Nothing!.” Sophie rolled her eyes at me.

I raised my eyebrows at her and she laughed.

“Alright. I’ll tell you what happened.” She began and I grinned at her.

“So I had woken up at like 9:00 and I posted on Twitter and James sent me an imessage asking if I wanted to go to breakfast. I looked over at you and you were fast asleep so I crept around the room, got changed and then met him in the reception area and went to get food.”

“Is that all?” I laughed and she poked me.

“We should be going back.” She said.

We walked back to the table where Brad and James were waiting for us.

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