Chapter 29 - Unexpected

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I woke up to a quiet tapping sound coming from the other side of the room.

I pulled the duvet up to my face, and smiled as I felt Brad’s arms still wrapped around me.

The tapping on the door got louder and it turned into knocks.

“Bradley William Simpson. Get up now. How many times do I have to knock? You have to drive Emily to school. Get up lazy.”

I jumped.

Brad moved and moaned beside me.

He took his warm hands off of me, and stretched.

He put his hand through his hair and smiled at me, as he saw me staring at him.

“Brad… Do I have to come in?”

“Shit. That’s Nat.” He whispered, his voice croaking.

“Right. That’s it. I’m coming in.”

“No Nat. I’m awake…I’m…”

Brad didn’t get time to finish his sentence as Nathalie, his older sister, swung open the door.

I froze as she stared at me; her eyes wide open with shock.

I buried my face in the duvet and clutched it, my knuckles going white with fright.

I felt Brad’s hand link into mine, and he squeezed it.

“I’ll go get changed.” I mumbled quickly.

I jumped out of the bed, grabbed my bag and ran to the bathroom, avoiding eye contact with her.

I got changed into my skirt and owl jumper and applied a small amount of light makeup.

I shoved my pyjamas into my bag, breathed deeply, and walked out of the bathroom, with much reluctance.

“Do you know what mum or dad would have said Brad, if they had come in and not me?” I heard Nathalie say, as I crept up to the door, and stood flat against the wall, listening. 

“I’m 18 Nat, give me a break.” He sighed.

“When she comes back tell her to go downstairs and have breakfast, whilst you get changed, okay?”

I quickly scuttled back into the bathroom to hide, but after she had gone downstairs, I went back down the hallway and into Brad’s room.

“I’m so sorry.” He said.

“That’s alright. It’s my fault really.” I looked down at the floor, “I’ll go and get some breakfast.”

Before he could say anything else I went down the stairs, and into the kitchen.

I froze as I saw Nat sitting at the table, eating a bowl of Special K.

As I knew where everything was kept, I managed to pour myself a glass of orange juice and a bowl of Dorset cereal without too much hassle.

As I placed my glass and bowl on the table, opposite Nat, she looked up at me.

“I am truly so sorry.” I apologized.

“It’s okay.” She said.

I looked up at her, as I sat down,  slightly confused, wondering why she was so laid back about this, all of a sudden.

“I shouldn’t have over reacted like that. It’s just that he is my little brother, and it’s so weird that he is all grown up now and I just want to protect him. So many people have tried to weave themselves into our lives, and the outcomes haven't been positive. Someone always ends up getting hurt, and it's normally Brad. I know that you and Brad have been friends for a while, and I am happy that, that you are together, but I hope you aren’t making the wrong mistake.” She continued.

I just stared at her, eating my cereal as she carried on:

“I haven’t seen you for a while, and I think that we have actually only talked a couple of times, so it will be good to get to know you better, especially as you and my little brother are dating.”

I went bright red as she said this, and I looked down at my bowl of cereal, in hope that she wouldn’t notice,

“My only advice is that you don’t stay in Brad’s bedroom tonight. My parents would go berserk, even though I know that they love you to pieces, as Brad cares about you so much and you are such good friends. I think it would be for the best if you slept in the spare room.”

“That’s fine. Thank you so much for your help.” I smiled at her.

“Oh I’m so glad that my little Bradley has found someone so kind hearted and lovely.” She beamed at me.

“He has only ever had one girlfriend, and that was a girl called Liberty, but he broke up with her ages ago. Actually, has he told the band yet, because surely they should know that you and Brad are going out?” Nat continued.

“Well he talked about that to me, and he said that it would be best if they didn’t know at this present time, because of all the issues it could cause, and what it would do to their relationships as friends and song writers.” I replied.

She nodded at me, and then we both carried on eating our breakfasts.

“I’m ready when you are.” I heard a voice say from the door.

looked up from my now empty bowl, to see Brad standing in the doorway in his black skinny jeans, as per usual and a white floral top.

"Do you have ANY other form of trousers?" Nat said, as she saw Brad.

I laughed as she was quite true. He only did wear black jeans.

I drank my orange juice and carried my dirty bowl and glass to the dishwasher.

I placed them inside, and then ran upstairs to quickly brush my teeth.

After I had finished, I grabbed my school bag with my pencil case and a pad of paper in it, as that would be all I would need, and my phone which I had put on charge last night.

As I shuffled towards the kitchen, my bag over my shoulder, I stopped at the doorway as I heard my name.

“I am so happy that you are Emily are together, you do that don’t you Brad? I overreacted. I just don't want you to get hurt, like with Liberty” Nathalie said.

Liberty had hurt him? Was there something that I didn't know?

“Yeah yeah.” Brad responded.

“Just keep hold of Emily.” Nat continued, “She’s a real gem.”

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