Chapter 9 - Osculation

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Brad and I arrived at his house after about 10 minutes. We had walked in complete silence apart from when he shouted at me...


We were about to cross a road to get to his house and as per usual I wasn't really concentrating. I have always had issues with crossing roads. (I nearly got run over last year, but that's a completely different story) I didn't see the car speeding towards me so I stepped into the road. I felt a hand slam into my back and I nearly tripped over my own feet. I gasped as I felt the car race past, just behind me. I turned around to see Brad breathing out slowly and scratching his head. He reached out and put his arm around me, pulling me into a hug.

"I thought I had lost you." He murmured to me, and squeezed my arm.

I nuzzled into his warm chest and listened to his heart, beating.


Brad opened the door for me and I took my shoes off and went into the hallway.

"Are you alright? You are really quiet." He asked me, whilst unlacing his boots.

"I'm fine!" I insisted.

He walked past me into the kitchen and took out a packet of Jaffa caked from a cupboard. He offered them to me and I took one. Brad shoved four into his mouth and he looked hilarious. I giggled. He started to laugh, and biscuit crumbs flew out of his mouth everywhere.

"Urghh Brad..." I laughed, holding my ribcage as I was laughing so hard.

He finally swallowed the Jaffa cakes, and put the packet back into the cupboard.

"I guess I should be going." I said solemnly. "My mum wants me home."

"Oh do you have to?" Brad pleaded.

"I'm sorry..." I sighed.

"Well, ill walk you to the bus stop." He insisted.

I went to the front door and put on my shoes. I grabbed my bag and pulled out my phone from my pocket to check for any messages. I had a few from my mum just saying that she wanted me home and that she was worried because I hadn't texted her. I sent a quick reply saying that I was on my way.

I put my phone in my bag, opened the front door and walked out as Brad was waiting for me.

He jogged towards me after locking the door and we walked to the bus stop.

We soon arrived, and it was completely deserted. Brad didn't live in a big village but I still expected there to be some people, at least walking around. It was like a ghost town.

I glanced at the board and the next bus was in about 5 minutes. It was all perfectly timed.

"Thanks for today it was great!" I said to him.

"It was great to see you. I haven't seen you in ages, and I'm glad you have finally met the band!" He exclaimed, shifting his weight from foot to foot.

I reached into my bag, took my bus ticket from my purse and put it in my pocket so I could easily access it when the bus arrived.

"Are you doing anything fun this week?" I asked him.

"Nope. The usual really." He responded, moving closer towards me, "I hope I can see you soon."

I smiled and looked down at my feet. Suddenly, I felt a warm hand  touch my face and I glanced up to see Brad inches away from me. The last thing I saw were his gorgeous eyes staring at me, before he kissed me.

Our lips touched, and as I felt his other hand on my waist, my stomach filled with butterflies.

He broke the kiss off and held my head in his hands. His hair ticked me, and I could feel his breath against my skin.

I jumped as a horn sounded behind me. I swiftly turned around and saw that the bus was waiting behind me. I looked back in Brad's direction but he was gone.

I walked towards the bus, my legs shaking and thoroughly confused. I showed the driver my ticket, walked to the back of the bus and sat down.

*Shit* I thought. *What have we done?*

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