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The icy rain pelted the woman as she walked down the deserted street. The bundle wrapped in her arms quietly slept despite being drenched by the pouring rain.

The women knew the child would be powerful someday. It was that power that made her decide to let her baby live. She needed the power the child would grow to have, and she would have it. But the child needed to grow into her powers before she would be of any use. The only way the child would have any chance of surviving was if she hid her.

The women knew that she didn't have much time to find a home for her. She couldn't risk someone discovering that she had broken the most sacred rule by - birthing the abomination.

One look at her baby's mismatched eyes and hair would betray to her people what the child would become. What she herself had done to have birthed her. As soon as they discovered the abomination they would force her to kill the baby. It was highly likely that they would also kill her for birthing it, for bringing such a thing into their world. After everything they had done to make sure all other abominations had been wiped from existence

Hundreds of years had passed since the exterminations of all Manahs . The act almost sent her kind extinct as Manahs fought back with more power than her own kind. With numbers depleted they had managed to win the war, and a new law was written. Any Manah born were to be killed immediately upon birth. Usually the act was carried out by the child's own mother. If not than by another of their kind. Most didn't feel any guilt for their action. In fact most felt disgust for the child and was happy to kill it.

The woman glanced behind her hearing a noise coming from down the road. She started to panic, worried that they had found her and would discover the truth of what she had done. She needed to dispose of the child now!

Reaching the orphanage she placed the child down on the cold hard ground. The clogged gutters splashed water on the baby who still didn't stir. If it wasn't for the child's chest rising and falling the women would have thought it dead.

The women opened her mind searching the building, seeking out the closest human. As soon as she latched onto a human's mind, she planted a compulsion for it to come and get the infant. She didn't need to stay any longer, the human would come and do as she had instructed with her compulsion.

Relieved to be free from her burden. She glanced down one last time at the child and cringed when the baby's eyelids lifted revealing a blood red eye. It was possible the humans might kill her before her kind did. This way she at least had a chance of growing old enough to come into her powers.

She would wait until the time was right for her to return. Then she would use her to get what she wanted. She would make those she hated, those who made her suffer, pay! The women smiled at the thought just as the orphanage door creaked open. She vanished into thin air before she could be seen.

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