Chapter Twenty

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Tony drove his car out of the city. Maddison noticed that they were driving in the same direction he had taken when he took her to his cabin. She sat in silence as he drove, thinking about everything that had happened to her in the last two days. Her mind kept drifting to the fact that she had a brother. She always wished that she could have a brother or a sister. But her adoptive parents couldn't have children. It was the reason why they had adopted Maddison. She remembered her brothers face when he said she wasn't his sister. He was truly disgusted with her. She wondered if that was only because he had been raised to believe all Manah were evil creatures that had to be destroyed. He did he really look at her, and see a revolting monster. She knew she would never find out. Even if she were to see him again.

She glanced over at Tony, who looked to be deep in thought. She was still surprised that the man sitting next to her, truly cared for her. Warts and all he cared. He even went so far as to search for her when she went missing. The idea of him looking for hadn't even crossed her mind while she was handcuffed to the bed. It made her feel safe, even though there were angels, and demons out to get her. Having him by her side made her feel safe

The car slowed, then stopped. 'We're here.' Tony said as he turned off the ignition.

She glanced out of the window, and saw nothing but darkness. She could make out the outline of a few trees but nothing else. It reminded her of a scary movie she once watched were a guy took the girl to the woods, and killed her. 'Where are we?' She asked.

He chuckled obviously picking up on her discomfort. 'We are in the woods, there are no roads where we are going so we have to walk the rest of the way.' He explained.

She frowned, then thought about the fact that she had wings, and now knew how to teleport. She didn't need to worry about being in the woods at night. 'Ok.' She said unbuckling her seat belt. She opened the door, and stepped out of the car into the cool night. A soft breeze blew across her face, giving her Goosebumps. 'Who did you say we were seeing out here again?' She asked as the started to walk. Tony took hold of her arm to help her navigate in the darkness.

'The people we will see are my friends, and family.'

She stopped walking. 'Can they, you know? Change into an animal like you?' She asked suddenly feeling very nervous. Something told her that shifters did not like demons. If Tony's first reaction of her was anything to go by.

'Yes, some of them are like me, ad can change into an animal form.' He started walking, pulling her along with him. 'But there are some there who can't, their witches.'

'Seriously witches are real? Do they do spells, and make potions?'

He laughed. 'I guess, they are witches.'

She felt a little silly, but she had never met a witch before. 'Will they be ok that I am here?'

'They will have no say in the matter, it is my right to bring whoever I want here.'

'Yeah but they won't like me will they, will they try to hurt me?'

'No, they wouldn't dare touch you.' He looked over at her. 'Don't worry Maddison, I will protect you from anyone, or anything.'

'So they will try to harm me, you wouldn't have said you would protect me if you didn't think there was a chance.' She rushed out.

He stopped gently grabbing her arms by his hands, and turning her to face him. 'I wasn't just talking about the people here Maddison. I was talking about everyone, angel's demons. Who ever tried to mess with you, I will protect you from them.' He leaned forward kissing her softly on the lips. He pulls back, smiling down at her. 'You are mine Ms Banks, and I protect what is mine.' He gives her a soft peck on the lips before pulling back. 'Come on, we better get a move on.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2016 ⏰

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