Chapter Sixteen

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'What happened?' Maddison asked rolling on to her back, she was struggling to take a breath. Her body had just been stretched in ways it should never have been stretched. She felt down her body making sure she wasn't missing any parts.

'I teleported us.' Gabe said gasping for breath.

Frowning Maddison turned her head to the side so she could see him. He laid on the ground beside her looking to be in pain. 'I have seen you teleport before, and it didn't seem to hurt you.'

Groaning Gabe rolled over so he was facing her. He held his arm across his face so all she could see were his eyes. 'That's because I only teleported myself. I haven't ever had to teleport a grown woman before.'

'Was that your subtle way of saying I'm heavy?'

'What no,' he said quickly. 'I have only ever done that with kids, never adults.' He closed his eyes as if in pain, then opened them. 'I wasn't even sure I could do it, but I had to try.' He lifted a hand to his head, it was then that Maddison noticed his nose was bleeding.

'Are you alright?' She asked sitting up, she crawled across the floor to him. 'Jesus Gabe, if you didn't know what it could do to you, why did you do it?'

'That was an angel making is way to us in that coffee shop Maddison.' He said rolling onto his back and looking up at the ceiling.

'Don't lie on you back while your nose is bleeding roll over.' She said pushing his body so he would lay back on his side.' She looked around for a cloth, something he could use on his nose. It was then she realised she was in her apartment. 'And yes I know he was an angel. Because you already told me he was.' She frowned down at him in concern. 'Did you hit your head?' she asked wondering if he had a concussion.

He shook his head. 'Maddison, you aren't taking this seriously. He was an angel. You are half angel, half Demon. Angel's kill your kind on sight.'

'I know all this already Gabe.' She said with a growl. 'But he doesn't know what I am, he just wanted to know about Lilith.'

'How do you know?'

'Because he told me as much.'

'So he has spoken to you?'

'Yes, I told you this back in the café. He wanted to know what I am, and he wanted to know why Lilith is do interested in me.' She sat back on her heels, worried about him. She had told him all this already, aside from the bloody nose he looked to be ok. So why didn't he remember?

'Maddison that wasn't just some angel.' He said softly.

'What do you mean?' She asked confused, were there different types of angels?

'That angel, his name is Adam. He was one of the first to be created, he and Lilith were married.'

'They were married, why aren't they still married? I didn't know angels could get devoiced.'

'This isn't a joke Maddison.'

'I wasn't joking.' She said holding her hands up in surrender.

Gabe struggled to sit up, Maddison helped him. He took a deep breath, his eyes closed. 'Lilith was among the first, along with Adam and some others. They fell in love and were happy.' He opened her eyes and looked at her. 'This is all second hand knowledge, so I could be getting some of this wrong. It was all way before my time.'

'What happened, why aren't they married anymore.'

'An angel named Eve was created, and it was love at first sight for her and Adam. He left Lilith to be with Eve, and Lilith has been out for blood ever since.'

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