Chapter Nine

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Maddison couldn't believe it, why was he there, was her mother about, did he come to warn her? She looked back across at him at saw that he was still smirking at her. No that wasn't the reason he was there. If he was there to ruin her date with Tony she would make him pay.

'Are sure you are ok Maddison?'

She looked back at Tony, all her anger at Gabe vanishing instantly, let Gabe try. She thought to herself. 'Sorry I just know the guy who walked in.'

Tony glanced over to where Gabe sat, he noticed and smiled. 'Maddison is that you?' she wanted to roll her eye at Gabe's question he knew dam well that it was her sitting there.

'Gabe.' She said smiling with clenched teeth. 'What are you doing here?'

'Why I am having dinner of course, why else would I be here?'

Why else indeed she thought to herself. She looked over at Tony who looked worried. 'I recently met Gabe while working on a case for a client. He has been assisting me in my investigation.'

Tony sat forward, his food now forgotten. 'What kind of case?'

'A missing person.' She shrugged 'He has been missing for over a year, and my client heard about what I can do and came in and asked for my help.'

'Well there is no better person to help find this missing person than you Maddison.' Tony said reaching across the table and taking her hand. 'I should know; you have helped me countless times.

She smiled her heart softening at the sincerity in is voice. He truly believed in her. It made her feel good. 'Thank you Tony, that means a lot to me coming from you.'

Tony looked back over to Gabe who was watching them. 'So are you a client also?'

Gabe looked to Maddison and grinned wickedly. ''Well now I wouldn't say I was a client exactly.' He lifted his hands up behind his head and slouched down in his seat looking relaxed, as if he was sitting there waiting for a bus. 'I would say I more than a client to her, wouldn't you say Maddison?'

Maddison didn't know what kind of game he was playing, but she had a feeling she wouldn't like the direction he was taking the conversation. 'No, I wouldn't say you were more than a client.'

'Oh?' Gabe said smirking. 'Do you have you clients spend the night at your place often?'

Her heart sank, Gabe was spinning the night before to make it sound more than it was. She glanced at Tony and her heart sank further. He was looking at her frowning. 'It's not what it sounds like, he was with me while I was trying to look for the missing man. I must have over done it and fainted.'

The frown on his face vanished replaced with a worried look. 'You fainted, are you ok?'

She smiled in relief that he believed her. 'I'm fine, I promise. I just over exerted myself. I used my gift too much in one day. I'm fine now.'

'Did you go and see a doctor?'

'No, I'm fine I promise I didn't need to see a doctor.'

'You should have told me.' Tony said running his hand through his hair making it stick up all over the place. 'I would have understood you cancelling tonight's date.'

'Tony' she said taking his hand and squeezing it 'I didn't need to cancel I'm fine I promise.'

He stared at her for a moment, obviously trying to see if she was lying, he nodded his head at her. When he obviously found no proof of her being unwell. 'Good, I'm glad. I would hate for anything to happen to you.'

She heard a scoffing noise coming from Gabe's direction and ignored it, she wouldn't let him ruin her date with Tony. 'So' she said smiling mischievously at Tony. 'Tell me what you like to do for fun?' she picked up her glass of water and took a sip while she waited for him to answer.

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