Chapter Thirteen

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The next morning Maddison woke with a smile on her face. She jumped out of bed, and quickly showered and rushed down stairs to get something to eat. She didn't know if Tony would be awake yet, she hoped that he was. For some reason she was excited to see him, it may have had something to do with the kiss the night before. She wondered what he would do, if she ran up to him, and started kissing him. She almost laughed out loud at her thoughts. She didn't know what had gotten in to her, she felt so giddy. She felt completely happy.

She walked into the kitchen happy to see that Tony was already there cooking. 'Good morning.' She said to him as she walked across the room to him.

He looked up as she entered the room. 'Good Morning, did you sleep well?'

'I did, that bed was amazing.'

He smiled. 'That's good.'

'Can I help you?' she asked gesturing to the food he had cooking over the stove.

'I'm almost done with the cooking.' He pointed to a tray on the counter, it had two coffee mugs, and cutlery sitting onto of it. 'But if you could carry that out onto the patio I can bring out the food.'

'No problem. It smells delicious.' She said as she picked up the tray and carried it out of the kitchen through the living and outside onto the front patio where the small table and chairs sat. She paused for a moment as she walked outside soaking in the sun rays, as it shined down on her. She could get used to living at a place like this. No sounds of traffic, no people. Just the sounds of nature, and the sun shining brightly. She walked over to the table, sitting the tray down. Taking a seat, she picked up one of the coffee mugs and took a long sip enjoying the delicious flavour. She sat back staring at the lake and waited for Tony to bring the food.

Tony walked out a short time later carrying two steaming plates. He sat one down in front of Maddison, and the other on the table next to her. He sat down beside her. 'I hope you like bacon and eggs.'

Her mouth watered. 'Who doesn't?' picking up her knife and fork she started eating, suddenly feeling ravenous.

'I was thinking about taking you on a smile hike through the woods after breakfast.'

She swallowed her food, picking her mug up she took a sip of coffee to help wash it down. 'Really I haven't been hiking before.' She wondered if Tony ever thought her to be pathetic, there really wasn't much in life that she has done. He seemed to have experienced everything.

'It won't be anything too strenuous, just a small hike through the woods. We will take it slow, there are some nice small springs we can stop and rest at.'

'Sounds great.' She said meaning it. She continued eating her food, wanting to finish so they could get going.

'When we get back from the hike we can go to the lake again; this time I will bring the jet skis

so we can ride them over the lake.'

'Sound like you have another fun day planned for us.'

'I'm happy you think so, it's not for everyone.'

They settled into a comfortable silence as they ate their breakfast. She couldn't help but wish this were her life every day. She could be happy staying here, never going back to the city and all the worries that waited for her to return.

After they finished breakfast, they carried their plates into the kitchen. Maddison washed them in the sink, while Tony dried and put them away. When they were done, Maddison raced up stairs to us the bathroom, when she came back downstairs she found Tony was still in the kitchen. He had a backpack sitting on the counter, he was zipping It up when she walked into the room. 'I have packed us some food and water, I thought we could have lunch on our walk.'

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