Chapter one

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Running late for work Maddison unlocked her office building door while trying to juggle the coffee and muffin she hurriedly brought from the next door bakery that she ordered every morning before work. After manoeuvring the package and coffee just right so she could insert the key. She sighed when she finally heard the click of the lock.

She opened the door to the sound of the phone in her office ringing. She pushed opened the door further allowing enough room for her to slip inside with her handful of things she rushed through the reception room, to her office. Placing her breakfast and coffee on her desk, unzipping her leather jacket, hanging it on the hook behind her office door. She picked up the phone that surprisingly was still ringing. Sitting down at her desk. She sighed. She really needed to hire a receptionist, she thought as she spoke into the phone. 'Good morning. Lost and Found, this is Maddison speaking'

'Maddison, this is Ryan,' the familiar rough male voice spoke through the phone.

She couldn't help a smile at the sound of his voice, she had been crushing on him for a while now and loved it when he called. Even if it was always only business related. 'Officer Ryan, what can I do for you this morning?' she sat forward in her desk jiggling her mouse so her computer screen would light up. She always forgot to shut it down the day before. Which came in handy for her when like this morning she was running late and didn't have time to start the computer up before dealing with a possible client.

'I need your help again'

Glancing at the clock on her office wall she knew she wasn't going to be able to leave 'I'm sorry, I have an appointment in ten minutes. I'm not going to be able to leave until after I am done with my client.' Well possible client, she thought to herself. 'I can help you out after that?

'I'm going to be here for a few hours so that should be fine.'

She didn't like the sound of that, there was a good chance he was going to make her look at a dead body if he was going to be at a crime scene that long. She really hoped that wasn't the case. 'What is the address, I will try and get there as soon as I can?'

"Seventeen Wood Lane, it's a big house you won't miss it.'

Picking up a pencil she jotted the address down 'Is that over the bridge?' Which was what they called the housing community on the other side of the river, you couldn't buy a house for less than two million there and the people who lived there believed it was their right to get whatever they wanted. She hated when her work sent her there.

'No, it's just before the bridge.'

'Thank god for small mercies,' she mumbled into the phone, making him laugh. 'What is it you need me to do?'

His chuckle cut off at her question 'I need you to find a two year old boy,'

She closed her eyes, she hated that she couldn't immediately shut up her office so she could go and find the small boy. 'How long has he been missing?' she asked softy

'Two hours.'

'Where did he go missing from?'

'His backyard. He was outside with his mother who was gardening while he played with his toys.' She could hear the sound of paper through the phone and knew he was reading from his notes. 'The phone rang, she ducked inside to grab it. It's a cordless phone, when she came back out he was gone.' He sighed heavily into the phone. 'She wasn't gone more than a few seconds Maddison.'

'You think it might be abduction?'

'I can't see how the kid could have gotten out of the backyard without help. It's fully fenced and there is no way he could have reached the latch on the gate at the side of the house.'

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