Chapter Eleven

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Maddison stood in front of the school stunned, did she really just see Gabe? Was he really the men responsible for not only Tammy's disappearance but also for the little boy who had been taken from his home? It was the same ammo, both kids were taken to Club Hell. She wondered if she had seen the face of the guy who had stolen the little boy, would she had seen Gabe's face than too? She couldn't believe he had fooled her so completely. Yes, he was a demon, but the way he had been with Maddison, she truly believed him to be a good guy, a little annoying but still a good person. Had she really been so blind and he was playing her all along, making her think he was a good guy to get her to help him?

Confused, and a little hurt by this she pulled out her phone from her pocket and dialled Gabe's number. She wasn't sure what she would say if he answered, but she needed to hear him say it. Admit to abducting two kids, she needed to know why, and she was going to make him give the little girl back.

When the call went unanswered, Maddison strode over to her bike. If he wasn't going to take her calls, she would confront him face to face. With her mind made up she drove off on her bike towards the one place she knew he would be. Club Hell.

She didn't waste any time when she pulled her bike up at Club Hell, she marched down the red carpet, not waiting for the bouncer to ask she rolled up her sleeve on her arm, showing him her flame tattoo, and walked into the club. She didn't bother with going to the bar to ask for Gabe, the place was packed and service would be slow. Instead she marched over to the staircase to the man who stood in front of it blocking its access. 'VIP only.' The large man said with a deep voice.

'I need to see Gabe, now!'

The man who was obviously a bouncer crossed his bulging arms over his chest. 'He's not here.'

She glared at him, not sure if he was lying or not. Taking a deep breath, and exhaling slowly trying her best to stay calm she asked. 'Where is he?'


'Yes, I guessed that, but where has he gone out too?'

'Do I look like his keeper?' The big man said taking a step towards her sounding as pissed off as she felt.

'Is there a problem here?' A man asked from behind Maddison.

She turned her head back and glanced at the newcomer, she almost thought it was Gabe, he had the same build, hair eyes, and looks. Except this guy was older. He was probably an older brother or cousin. 'I'm looking for Gabe, do you know where he is?'

The man stared at her for a long moment, before glancing at the bouncer behind her. He only looked at him a moment before his eyes were back on Maddison. 'Come with me.' He said, turning he walked away.

Maddison shot the bouncer a smug look before walking after the Gabe look alike. He walked along the edge of the clubs dancefloor, all the way around until the end of the bar where he opened a door, which Maddison had realised was there. It was painted the same black as the wall and blended in with it when it was closed. He opened it, motioning for her to enter. It was dark inside the room, Maddison couldn't see a single thing inside. It was pitch black. There was no way Gabe was in there, so why was this guy wanting her to go in there? She was starting to get a bad feeling. 'You know what?' she said to him. 'I think I will come back another time and see Gabe.'

The Gabe look alike raised an eyebrow. 'You don't have a choice here, you either walk into the room, or I will drag you in there.'

She took a step back, 'Yeah, I don't think so.' She had no idea what she had gotten herself into, and wasn't sticking around to find out. Turning, she quickly walked towards the exit. She didn't dare turn back to see if he was following her, her legs were shaking with fear, and a little anger at Gabe. This wouldn't have happened if he had just answered his bloody phone. She increased her pace when she heard him call her name, by the sounds of it he was following her, and he wasn't too far behind her. She reached the exit, and sighed in relief as she walked through the door and sunlight hit her face. She felt better being outside in the daylight. She hurried down the red carpet, to her bike. She wasted no time lifting her leg over to sit on it, she removed her helmet from the tank and shoved it onto her head. She thought she was free when a hand landed heavily on her arm.

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