Chapter Seven

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It had taken Gabe a while to calm Lilith down. Maddison had used that time to get a grip on the situation and for her anger to subside. She waited for them both to re-enter her office before speaking.

'Let me get this straight.' Maddison sits forward. 'You're not here to see the daughter you dumped liked garbage.'

'I did not-'Lilith started to protest, but Maddison cut her off.

'You're here because you want me to track down my biological father, am I right so far?'

Lilith released a deep sigh. 'Yes I suppose.'

Maddison rolled her eyes before looking at Gabe who stood near the door. 'How is it you know her?' she asked pointing to Lilith.

He shifted restlessly. 'Through Lucifer.' She raised an eyebrow and waited. 'I didn't know they were screwing, I just thought they had some weird truce going on.'

'And that didn't seem strange to you?'

'No, sometimes Angel and Demons do that.'

Maddison's hands shook as she opened her desk draw. She lifted out the paper work she had Lilith fill out and held it out for her to take. 'You can have these, I won't be needing them.'

'Don't you need that to find Lucifer?' Lilith asked looking confused.

'I'm sorry, well not really.' she honestly. 'But I can't do what you have asked me to do.'

'What! Why not?' Lilith asked sounding appalled. 'He's your father!'

'No, he is just the man who help create me. Neither of you raised me.' She shook her head. 'I had parents, they loved, and cherished me until the day they died.' Placing both hands flat on her desk she stood. 'Now if you can see yourself out, I have things to do.'

'You ungrateful little bi-'

'Lilith.' Gabe warned.

Maddison watched as she took a deep breath. 'I haven't spent all these years waiting for nothing,' she said softly. 'You will do what I want you to do.'

Maddison crossed her arms over her chest hoping the pain her words caused didn't show on her face. 'What I do, and don't do is not your concern.'

Lilith opened her mouth to speak, but Gabe cut her off by grabbing her by the arm and leading her out of the office. She could hear their voices whispering before the bell on the door jingled, and Gabe returned alone.

'She's gone,' he said. Shoving his hands in his pants pocket.

'Good.' Elbows on her desk, she rubbed her face with her hands. 'I can't believe she expected me to help her.' She mumbled.

'I don't blame you for not wanting to,' he said making her look up.

'What is it?' she asked as she watched him bite on his bottom lip.

He sighed 'I know you don't want to help her.' He looked at her, and she couldn't help think that he looked sad. 'It's just...' He walked over to her desk and sat in the chair across from her. 'Juts hear me out before you lose it.' Not sure what he was about to say she nodded her head slowly. 'Lucifer is the ruler of Hell.'

'Wait the angels kidnapped the ruler of Hell?'

'Yes, and things have been chaotic since.' He sighed deeply. 'We need him. I...need...him.' He emphasized every word by hitting his fist on his chest.


'No you said you would hear me out,' he said cutting her off. 'Before I realized that you were his daughter there was no hope. None whatsoever in rescuing him.' He scratched the back of his neck. 'We didn't know where to look, or how to find him.' Gabe sat forward with a gleam in his eyes. 'Don't you see? With you we now have hope, with you we could find him!'

She should have known that this was what he was going to say. He is a Demon after all. She wanted to tell him no, to refuse to help him. But as she stared into his black eyes the thought of saying no, in taking all his hope away made her nauseas. 'Ok Gabe, I will help you.'

He jumped from his seat, around her desk picking her up in his arms and kissed her cheek. 'Thank you Maddison.'

Heat rose to her face, she quickly looked away hoping he wouldn't see her blush. 'I'm so going to regret this,' she mumbled.

'You won't.'

'I don't want my mo....Ms Angel to know. I'm not helping her.'

'That's fine,' he said smiling.

'And I'm charging you triple my usual rate.'

'Deal. When do we start?'

'Now I guess.'

'Great, let's go?'


Gabe paused as he walked to the door. 'To his condo. That's where he was taken from.'

'Lead the way.'

It didn't take them long to reach Lucifers condo, it had help that Gabe knew the man at the front desk and he didn't stop or hassle them when they approached the lift. Now standing in the spot she had stood before Gabe scared her out of there she held the picture of Lucifer in her hands staring at it. This was her father. Would he be just like her mother? Does he know she existed? What will happen if she finds him? These were the questions that were buzzing around in her head.

Taking a deep breath she looked up at Gabe. 'I'm ready.'

He nodded his head at her. 'Take your time, I have your back.'

She gave him a small smile before looking back down at the picture. She felt the vertigo hit her, breathing through her nose as the world spun she knew when the nausea disappeared that she was no longer inside her body. She watched herself and Gabe walk backwards out of the room. She needed to go back at least a year so she made time rewind faster. From what she could tell the room remained empty for most of the year, the only person who seemed to come and go was Gabe.

Maddison knew she was getting close to the time he was taking as a lot of men in suits started to appear in the room. She would have slowed time down and observe them but was worried about how her body will handle such a long time tracking. So she kept time moving backwards until she saw a familiar face. Her father.

The imaged paused and she observed how her father appeared standing in the far corner of the room surrounded by ten men who looked like brothers with their long white hair. She couldn't see their faces only their backs as they fanned out around Lucifer. Time snapped back and started to move forward. She watched as one of the white haired man pulled something out of his back pocket and held it to his lips. The pipe he was holding to his mouth shot out a dart that struck Lucifer in the arm. She couldn't hear, but could see his mouth open in a silent scream, as the men moved in grapping him by the arms. He struggled, kicking out at anyone close enough for him to hit. Maddison wished there was something she could do to help him, but knew there was nothing.

Finally the white hared men subdued Lucifer, holding him to the ground. A man, Maddison wasn't sure if it was the same as before pulled out another long pipe from his back pocket and shot another dart into Lucifer. She watched his body stiffen then relax falling back to the ground. She tried to get a better look at the pipe that could have been a plastic tube. Another man appeared out of thin air holding long gold chains that shined white. The men chained Lucifer's hands and feet kicking him once in the stomach. Maddison looked away when the man lifted his leg back for a second kick not wanting to watch her father being abused. Two of the man picked Lucifers up under the arms and vanished.

Maddison felt her body being sucked along for the ride to where ever the man took her father. Her vision went black, then cleared. She looked around staring at the warehouse in front of her as the man dragged Lucifer inside. She looked around trying to find some land mark that would help her find the warehouse. If she had a mouth she would have smiled when she noticed the flashing sign that read Manny's Bar. She knew exactly where she was.

Her mind was sucked back through the black hole of nothing that spun faster and faster the longer she travel through it before being slammed back into her body with enough force to knock her to the ground.

'Maddison!' she heard a voice in the distance. She rolled to her side and vomited on the white carpet. Groaning she laid her head next to her vomit. She could see blurred shoes rushing towards her before the world went black.

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