Chapter Four

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The next morning, Maddison woke early so she could catch up on all the work she should have done the day before. She should have started on Ms. Angel's case which still sat untouched on her desk when she arrived at her office, didn't usually leave a file like that. She had planned to come back after helping Officer Ryan find the boy. Instead she went home and slept the day away. She also needed to contact Officer Ryan and make sure the boy had been found and returned to his family. She had been so out of it when she left the club yesterday that she hadn't given the boy a second thought after she had sent the message of his location to Officer Ryan.

Now sitting at her desk she went through the paperwork that Ms. Ange had filled out. She didn't have a lot of information to go by, it seems Ms Angel doesn't know all that much about the person she wanted found. Or she was leaving a lot of things out and only giving her the bare minimum of information. Which wasn't unusual for Maddison, she has work on less information before. At least she had a photograph of the guy, and she knew where he lives, so she had somewhere to start, and possibly she might be able to have this job finished by the end of the day.

Walking out of the office she noticed the parcel that Charles had delivered, and dropped on the ground the day before. She couldn't believe the way she had acted when she saw him. She wasn't helpless anymore; she could at the very least have wiped his memory of her before he left. But she had frozen, been sucked into her past that she wasn't ready to deal with. She promised herself then and there that the next time she saw him she would do something about him.

Sitting the box down on her receptionist desk, that had no receptionist. She contemplated all the things she could do to Charles the next time he walked through the door. By now she was sure her old classmates knew she was alive, and where her business was. She suspected they would start arriving in droves to torment her now they knew she really hadn't killed herself. She could have avoided all this had she just erased herself from Charles mind while she had the chance, but there was no point worrying about what she couldn't change. The best she could do was think up a solution so she wouldn't be frozen in shock the next time one of her classmates entered her business.

Tapping the receptionist desk with her hand she walked back into her office and grabbed her jacket, keys and the picture of the guy Ms. Angel wanted her to find. She couldn't see any way around it. Ms. Angel hadn't given her enough information for to try finding the guy without using her gifts, she was worried after the way she had felt yesterday after her last tracking that she wasn't up to it. But she has no choice, she needed to start looking for him, and if she were lucky she would only have to use her tracking abilities once and know where to find him.

Locking up her store, she walked around to the side of the building where she parked her bike in the small alley, and silently prayed that her abilities where back to normal and that what had happened to her yesterday was nothing more than a once off anomaly. She didn't know what she would do if it wasn't. Was she beginning to lose the ability? Would she wake up one day and no longer be able to use it? If that were the case then she would no longer be able to track people down, or help people find their lost items. She shook her head, trying to shake out the fearful thoughts. She can't lose her gifts, she may not have wanted them when she first received them but she has grown to live with them. She made a business out of them. She had to believe that her losing all her strength was due to the fact that the person she was tracking had vanished to another location, instead of traveling the usual way by walking, car or some other form of transportation.

Calming her racing heart down, she climbed on her bike, and started the engine. She was not losing her gifts, it was a once off, a small blip that won't occur again since she doubt she will find any more people vanishing into thin air.

As she walked through the glass electronically opened glass door to the Sherman building, she paused a moment to enjoy the feel of the cool air-conditioned air that blew gently on her skin. Although it was only ten in the morning, the day had already started to heat up to scorching temperatures. She didn't mind the heat, but when she wore her leather jacket it did become uncomfortable when she was constantly sweating from it. She glanced around the white marbled foyer and spotted a man standing behind a long black counter. She made her way over to him, he glanced up when he noticed her, done a quick survey of her appearance and obviously found her wanting, judging by the sneer she received, before looking back down at his desk.

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