Chapter 5: Sign!?

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Miyako's POV

Monday again, I better get change for another school, when I'm about to walk to the bathroom..

"What is happening?" I said feeling dizzy and my eyes getting blurry

I shake it off and go for a bath

Kaoru's POV

I'm heading for breakfast when..


"Ow, what just happen?" I shake my head, eye's getting blurry

I better get going, I'm gonna be late.

Momoko's POV

School again, I was combing my hair when..

"My head, what is happening?" I endure pain on it.

"This is not the best time to have an headache!" I whisper to myself

Time skip..

P.E class

At the School ground..

We are here at the school grounds, me, Kaoru and Miyako and the boys are in our PE uniforms.

"Ok, we will have running, " The PE teacher said out loud.

The boys go first to run on the track.

"Go Brick!" I cheered and Brick winked at me that make me blush

"On your mark, set, go!" The teacher whistles

They start running and who win and the fastest..

"Nice Butch!" Kaoru shouted and gives her a thumbs up.

Butch is the fastest, next is Brick then Boomer.

Now it's our turn!

"Go Momoko!" Brick cheered

"Go for it Kao-chan!" Butch cheered

"You can do it Miya!" Boomer cheered

We our now ready!

"On your mark, set, go!" Whistle came.

We our now running and Kaoru is leading and I'm up next to her, Oh no! My eyes is getting blurry and my head is in pain and then..


"Momoko!" I heard Brick calling my name

"Kaoru!" Butch screamed

"Miyako!" Boomer shouted

I can't stay in this state when I fainted.. and all Blank!

Brick's POV

We rush to the track, the girls suddenly fainted on the middle of our activity.

"Momoko!" I shouted while running towards her unconscious body

"Miyako!" Boomer shouted

"Kaoru!" Butch screamed

"Oh my! Boys bring them to the nurse office!" We nodded and we carry the girls bridal style heading to the nurse office

At the nurses office

We lay the girls on the three beds and we waited for the nurse to come.

"Oh my! What happen?" The nurse gasped entering the office

"They suddenly fainted on the middle of our PE activity, " Boomer explained

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