Chapter 13: She's Awake?

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At The Lab

Boomer's POV

"Bro, let's go home!" I said to them

"You and Butch can go," Brick said

"Are you kidding Brick?" Butch said in irritating tone

"Can you see! She is still haven't awaken, You two can go, I'm staying here until she wake up," Brick groaned while looking at the sleeping Momoko

"Are you sure Brick?" Miyako asked

"Yeah, I'm sure! " Brick respond

"You know red head, Professor, Ken and Poochi are here to monitor her until she wake up, you don't need to stay here," Kaoru said to Brick

"You know guys! I promised to her parents that I will always be at her side no matter what!" Brick said in high tone

While they are still talking, I heard a vibrating phone!

"Oh, who could it be?" Kaoru took her phone out

"Who is it?" Miyako asked Kaoru

"Problem?" Kaoru said

"Problem? " they all asked

"Momoko's Mom is calling!" Kaoru said

"Oh oh! Big Problem! " I scratch my head

"What I'm gonna say to her?" Kaoru doubt

"Answer it Kaoru," Professor said Kaoru's POV

"Hello?" I said

"Kao-chan?" Momoko's Mom

"Yes," I respond

"Is Momoko with you?" She asked

"Yes, Mrs.Akatsutsumi, " I said back

"It's already late, can you tell her to go home, I can't contact her phone," she said

"Uhm..we are here at lab," I said

"Are you finish there?, please tell her that she must go home before her father arrive here," she said on the phone

"Uhm..we have some important things matters dealing here, so maybe we will sleep here tonight, " I said

"Important matters? Oh very well, I'll tell her father that she is doing a research with her friends, he will understand that, is Brick with her now?" She asked

I handle the phone to Brick,

"Brick? " she said

"Yes, Mrs. Akatsutsumi," he respond

"Make sure you bring her home tomorrow! " she said

"Yes Mam! " he respond

"Very well then, Take care of her OK?" She said

"I will, " he said back

"Bye, say to Momoko be careful on everything there in the lab," she said

"I will, bye!" He said and she end the phone call

"That was close!" I sign in relief

"Can we go home now!" Butch groan

"Yeah let's go home, and we will come back tomorrow morning, besides it's Sunday tomorrow, " Boomer said

"Professor, will be heading home now! " Miyako wave

"Bro, get some sleep will ya?" Butch said to Brick

"Yeah Bro," Boomer shouted him

"I will! " Brick wave back

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