Chapter 6: Don't tell Them!?

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At the Lab..

Butch's POV

"Hey open the Door Professor! " Brick Shouted

"Calm Down Brick! " Boomer said

The door open and we finally met the Professor,

"What is it boys?" Professor asked

"There is something we want to asked?" I said

"What?" Professor said

"We want to know why the girls suddenly collapsed in the middle of our Activity!" Brick asked

"And what is the reason why their powerbelts have crack on the side of the compact," I finished

"Oh no!" Professor puts his hand on his mouth

"What is it Dad?" Ken rushed inside the lab with Poochi

"It's starting Ken!" Professor gumbled

"No!" Ken in shocked face

"Hey, what is it?" Boomer asked

"Yeah, what is with that shocked face Professor?" I asked

"Don't be shock boys, " Professor gulped

"What is it!?" We said loudly

"The girls are weakening and their powers become unused, they are slowly loosing all their powers until.. " Professor paused

"Until..?" I asked

"Until they die," Professor finished

"Whattt!?" We said in shock

"How is it possible!? They just collapsed!" Boomer said in pain

"Because the powers are unused for more than 2 years, they didn't even used it until now, so the powers are getting rusty and beginning to loose energy," Professor said

"No way! There's no way! My Momoko will die in that Power situation, " Brick shouted

"That's the real situation Brick, When they we're hit by the light rays, the powers are being attach to their DNA molecules, so when the Powers weaken, also the certain person will feel that way," Professor said

"No! My Miyako!" Boomer screamed in sadness

"Can we tell the girls about this!?" I asked

"No, you can't! " Professor protest

"Why?" Brick asked

"Because it will brought deep pain to the girls knowing that their lives are at risk!" Professor said

"Is there a way to solve this? " I asked

"I don't know, we are still thinking on how can we solve this?" Professor said

"If don't have a solution then, " Brick asked in worried

"We have to let them go," Professor turns away

"" Brick sobbed

"Can't be.." I said in tears

"No...!" Boomer cried


On the roof of the Lab..

Brute's POV

"So they already know! " I smirked

"Poor boys," Brat smiled evilly while watching at the roof of the lab

"Let's go Break some buildings announcing are return, 'cause the the girls have nothing to do with it, that's the real deal when wasting and unusing they're powers!" Berserk's laugh evilly

And we flew away to announce are return,

Brick: I have many plan's for us?

Boomer: Me too!

Butch: Hope there's a miracle happen!

Brick: Hope so! Because I want to spend more times with My Cherry Blossom!

The Punks! Are now heading to the city, can the girls transform or it will trigger the effect the is happening to them because of the crack in they're powerbelts.. Find out on the nex update..


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