Chapter 8: Awaken but Still Critical

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Brick's POV

We are still in the lab, waiting for the girls to wake up from the second time they fainted.

I'm here sitting beside Momoko,

"How can this happen so sudden?" I whisper to myself

I hold Momoko's hand and kissed it.

"I turn out to be good because of you, because you thought me who I really was, even we fight, you still have the courage to comfort me, even we are enemies back then, " I whispered while sobbing

Boomer's POV

I'm sitting beside Miyako, still not waking up.

"Please wake up," I cried while holding her hand

"How can this happen, It's been  2  years since we gone steady in our relationship, " I whispered

"Miyako, I love you, I want to spend my life with you," I continue to whispered

Butch's POV

"Kao-chan, Wake up Please!" I thought while looking at her worriedly

"I'm so lucky being your boyfriend, who could ever thought the tough Kaoru will have a boy by her side," I remembered all that memories

Professor's POV

This is getting worsed as I even thought, hope when they awake, this will not happen again, if this happen for the third time, I don't know if they can survived.

Momoko's POV

I can hear Brick's voice and his sobbing,  what is going on?

I slightly open my eyes and look at my side, it's Brick his asleep after crying so hard,  I cherish his hair and he wake up.

"Momoko!" He hugged me tightly
"Brick, what happen?" He let go of the hugged

"I'm sorry, " He look away

"What?" I said

He still looks away from and I don't know why,

"Brick? Please tell me," He finally look at me with worried face

"I'm sorry, I'm too slow on saving you while you were fighting on Berserk, you suddenly detransformed and fainted," He spoke up

"Detransformed?" I said confused

"I can't say the reason for that, I'm so sorry Momo," He said still down

"You don't need to say it immediately, take time I will wait," I said to cheer him up

"Thanks Momo," He said in a weak smile and hugged me again and kissed my forehead

Miyako 's POV.

I wake up in the lab,

"What happen?" I said

"Your awake," I heard Boomer say it at my side

"Did we collapse again?" I asked and he nodded

"It's weird, it's been often, " I said to myself

"Don't worry I will be hear for you," Boomer comforted me

"Thanks Boomy," I hugged him

Kaoru 's POV

"Ow, my head hurts," I said while waking up

"Thank God your awake," I saw Butch said that

"What happen?" I asked

"Like the first thing happen to you, " he said

"We collapse again?" I said and he nodded

"What is happening to us?" I said

"I can't answer that," he said and turn away

"Hey, what do mean you can't answer?" I shouted

"I'm sorry, Kao-chan, " He said

"Sorry?" I thought

No one's POV

The girls are finally awaken and it's a good sign,

"Can you stand Momo?" Brick asked Momoko

"I think so," she slowly stand but suddenly fell her knees are like jelly

"Here let me assist you," Brick holds her on both hands to assist her on walking

"Thanks," she said to him

"Miya, feel better now?" Boomer asked Miyako

"I think a little bit hazy," she said holding her head

"Butch?" Kaoru shouted

"Yes?" Butch answered

"I think my stomach is aching, I don't know why," she said holding her stomach

Professor enters the room where the girls are,

"You'd awake, " he said

"Professor," the girls said in unison

"What happen?" They said

"On what the boys said,  that was happened, " he said

"Can't get it?" Momoko still on hold with Brick

"You will all know it soon," Professor said

"Be careful next time girls," he said and walk out the room

"Careful?" Miyako thought

"I can do it  now Brick," Momoko said telling Brick to let her walk alone

"OK," he said

Still the girls having a hard time after that second collapsed happen,

Boomer: Author-san!

Me: what is it? Boomer?

Boomer: I can't take this anymore, I don't want to loose my Miyako!

Me: you know Boomer, there is a time that there will be a certain rival in between your relationship, so you must be tought to go against it

Boomer: I don't get it!

Me: Just wait for the next update.

Bye guys,  see  you on the next update and don't forget to vote!


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