Chapter 11: Finding the Truth?

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Sunday Morning

At the lab..

Butch's  POV

Brick is right the girls is being  suspicious about us, We are here at the lab with the girls, seems that they are spacing out today, they didn't render a single word on us.

Kaoru's POV

Here we are at the lab, I can't understand why they are acting weird all this time.

"Hey girls!" Poochi entered the lab with Professor and Ken

"How are you girls?" Professor asked us

"We are-" I was cut off by Butch

"They are fine, Professor, " He said

"Why you!" I beggining to punch Butch but Miyako and Momoko hold me back

"Easy, Kaoru! We are here to know the truth, not to fight with them!" Momoko whispered to me

"Fine!" I groaned

Momoko's POV

Kaoru was really pissed off Butch, gladly we hold her back, we are not here to fight, we are here to find the truth!

"Uhm..excuse me boys?" I said and they turn around

"Gladly, you speak up, I was worried, " Brick cheers

"Sure is, Can I have a word with you three?" Crossed arm looking at Brick

"Yes? " He said and follow me along with his brothers

Kaoru and Miyako followed me,

"Uhm..Professor can you please excuse us for a minute?" Miyako asked Professor and he nodded

At the lab's Backyard

Miyako's POV

"What is it Momo?" Brick asked Momoko

"Be honest to me Brick," She said in serious tone

I can see Brick is nervous,

"Wh-at is it?" He gulped in nervousness

Also Boomer and Butch are quiet and I can see them sweating much.

"Are you three hiding something from us?" Momoko angrily said

"!" The boys said unison

"Are you sure?" Momoko said in serious tone

"Spill it out!" Kaoru shouted to them

"We said nothing!" The boys shouted almost crying

"Please boys, can you say the truth? " I spoke up gently

"We're very sorry!" The boys said and they turned away and run inside the lab

"Hey! Come back here! You three!"  Momoko shouted in disbelief towards the boys

"I don't know what's wrong with that three?" I said to them

"Hey Momo, I think you scared them? " Kaoru said to Momoko

"I did not! I'm just asking!" Momoko said back

"You did," Kaoru said it again

"I said I did not!" Momoko shouted back

"Guys! Stop arguing! We will never find out the truth if we are fighting like this!" I said to both of them

"Sorry," they both said


Professor's POV

"What's with the girls today?" Ken asked

"I believe they beginning to notice everything, " I said calmly

"No way! Professor?" Ken said back

"The way they act earlier, I believe they are beginning, " I said

The door bursted open, the boys  rushed inside and closed it

"What happen?" Poochi asked

The boys are still quiet, and still standing at ease,

"What they ask to you three?" Ken gasped in nervous

"They asked us, if we are hiding something from them," Brick finally spoke up

"This is not good Professor," Ken said to me

"I see, did you say something, " I said

"We said nothing, " Boomer speak

"Good," I said

"Good? How is it become good?" Butch shouted

"Butch?" Poochi asked

"How can this be good, we are hiding they're weakness all this time, should they have the rights to know what is happening to them?!" Butch Bursted in tears

"We can't Butch, that will create a pain towards them!" I said in sad tone

"And when did they will now it?" Brick asked

"Soon," I said back

"What!? Soon? I can't stand hiding something big towards Momoko!" Brick beginning to cry

"Me too! I can't, " Boomer sobbed
No one's POV

The girls walked back to the lab, while they are walking to the hallway, they heard shouting from the main door towards the lab,

"Did you guys here that!?" Miyako asked

"Yeah I heard it, " Kaoru said

"I think that is coming from the main door, " Momoko said

The girls slowly tip toe towards the main door, and ears drop on it,

"Hey, what is it Momo?" Kaoru asked Momoko eavesdropping

"Wait a sec, Weakness?" Momoko said

"Weakness?" Miyako and Kaoru said in unison

"I think they are arguing on something, " Momoko said

"Can this be about our situation, " Miyako said

While eavesdropping, the door begun to open automatically and the girls lost balance and fell on the floor,

The Professor and the boys was surprised

"Hey! Will you two stand up! I can't move here!" Momoko shouted Miyako and Kaoru that is on top of her

"Ouch!" Kaoru groaned while standing up

"Girls?" Ken said in surprise tone

"What are you three doing here?" Professor said in worried tone

They finally stands up and Momoko  crossed her arms tapping her right foot

"What are you six talking about without our presence?" Momoko eyed them suspiciously

"Something else," Brick said in nervous tone

"Are you sure? I heard something about Weakness?" Momoko still tapping her right foot on the floor,

"Weakness?" The boys said and the Professor, Ken and Poochi acting nothing happen

"She heard it clearly," Miyako said in calm tone

"Can you six say truthfully?!" Kaoru said in loud tone

"Is this is about are conditions!?" Momoko shouted in anger

"Uhm.." They can't say something towards the girls

"Tell us the truth!" Momoko bursted in anger and then..


Cliffhanger.. what do you think happen to Momoko? Find out on the next Chapter!


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