Chapter 9: Sports Festival

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Butch's POV.

Sports Festival is finally here! It's been a week since the second incident that had happen to the girls, now our school is having this festivities, Of course I will play soccer along with my girl Kaoru, I told her that it's better for her to watch instead of playing, but she insist it, very stubborn girl, I'm only concern of her health.

At the soccer field

"Good luck bro!" Boomer screamed at the audience along with Miyako, Brick and Momoko

"Good luck Kaoru!" Miyako cheered and Kao-chan give her a thumbs up.

The play has start, by the way I'm the goal keeper, and Kaoru is the midfielder

Time Skip last minute

Score 1-1

The ball is on Kaoru and she is heading straight to the goal,

"You can do it!" I shouted

And the buzzer rings..


New Townsville Junior high Wins!

"Wohuh! Yeah!" The players screamed

"We did it!" I shouted running towards the girl who give us the winning shot.

I saw my Brothers and the girls running towards us cheering with joy.

"You did it Kao-chan," Momoko and Miyako said while hugging Kaoru tightly

"Air please!" Kaoru whispered because of the tight hugged of her two friends

"Nice one Bro!" Brick give me a friendly punch on my shoulder

"Yeah yeah thanks, " I said while rubbing my shoulder, even if it is a friendly punch, Brick's hand is very heavy.

This is the best day ever, winning the game with my girl,

At the school gate heading home

"Hey guys!" I saw Momoko waved at us at the school get together with Brick

"Hey!" Kaoru waved back but I can see she is a little bit exhausted.

"Is there anything wrong Kao-chan?" I asked her

"It's nothing I'm fine," she said

"Tell me if your not feeling well, I don't want to see in pain," I said

"Yeah, I know," she said in tired tone

We reach the gate,

"Uhm..where's Boomer and Miyako?" I asked

"Doing some school works, You that two lovebirds are so in to that work thin," Momoko said

"Yeah, wherever Miyako was, Boomer always sticks on her," Brick said

"Let's go already, I'm tired, " Kaoru said in tired tone

While walking home,

Brick's POV

We finally went to our seperate path, Butch walked Kaoru home, while I'm with Momoko

After our meeting at the gate, she has been quiet and I can see she is breathing fast

"You okay Momo?" I asked her at she look at me

"Uh..yeah," She said in low tone

"You sure?" I asked again in concern

"I'm okay Brick, just a little bit tired," She said

Silence rule over until we made it to her house,

"Bye Brick," As she about to enter her house

"Wait!" I said and she stop on her tracks and look at me

"You forgot something, " I said

She walks towards me and give me a peck on the on the lips

"Happy now," she said and I nodded

"Bye Momo," I said and then walk off,

While I'm walking home,

"Is that a sign again, what Momoko acted earlier? " I thought to myself

"She is a little bit cold acting when we say our goodbyes," I continue to thought

"She is breathing fast while we are heading to her house, I hope that will not happen again, It gives me a chill," I said

Momoko's POV

I enter my room with a tired face, I don't know why I'm tired to much, I didn't do anything hard, I just don't get it, I'm not like this in passed years, now, Ugh! What is wrong with me? Why is this happening? I'be cold towards the others even Brick notice it,

In so much frustration happening to me, I lay down on bed, still weird stuff happening to me?

"Is Miyako and Kaoru experiencing this stuff like me?" I thought to myself

"Well, it's Friday today, so Tomorrow is Saturday, I wonder what we will gonna do?" I whispered

While talking to myself, My head began to drool in pain,

"Ouch! Headache again!" I screamed in pain and jump out of my bed

My sister bursted inside, seeing me in pain,

"Sis! What happen?" She asked

"Ouch! My head!" I said in pain

"Mom! Dad! Momo, is in deep pain!" Kuriko screamed

My parents bursted inside, they saw me clenching my head in pain at the floor, my dad carry me back to my bed and mom gets the medicine,

"Here you go dear," Mom gives the medicine to me and gently drink it.

The pain in my head is beginning to heal, I rest my head on my pillow and fall asleep.

Momoko: Author-chan what is happening to me?

Me: seems the situation is getting worse!

Momoko: Situation? Getting worse?

Me: As the Professor said, you will know it soon.

Momoko: This weird stuff happening to me is freaking me up!

Me: Just wait!

Momoko: Is Brick know something?

Me: I can't tell that, it's confidential!

Momoko: Fine!

Me: Bye! See yeah on the next update , this story is heating up!


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