Chapter 14: Hospitalized!

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Later the Night..

At the New Towmsville Hospital..

Professor's POV

"Common Momo! Hold still! " Brick said while we bringing Momoko to the emergency room

"Miya please wake up!" I heard a familiar voice, is that Boomer!?

"Professor Utonium! Please stay outside, we can handle them!" The nurse said and closed the door

We sat on the chair with Brick, Ken and Poochi..

"Bro?" I notice Butch approaching us

"Butch? " Brick asked

"Why are you here?" Butch asked in low tone

"Momoko had groaned in pain again!" Brick said face palm

"Kaoru is here too," he said

"What!?" We all said in unison

"Dai called me about what happen so I immediately rushed here!" He said in worried tone

"Butch? Brick?" We saw Boomer sobbing

"Boomer!?" We said

"Miyako past out suddenly when I brought her home!" Boomer cried out

"Dad, this case is getting worse," Ken approaches me

"I believe they are," I simply said

After a couple of hours the doctor came..

"Doc how's the results of the three girls?" I asked

"How's my Kaoru?" Kaoru's dad approaches the Doctor

"We have good news and bad news!" The doctor spoke up

"I think the three girls are in unbelievable case of sickness, we check their vital signs, and it's pretty weird seeing some kind of chemical inside their body within they're DNA," the doctor explained

"Chemical? " Kaoru's family asked in unison

"Yes, A strong chemical that sorrounds they're molecular structure of the DNA," he said

"Professor!? " They eyed on me

"Well, I can explain later! Let's finish what the Doctor is telling us? Okay?" I said scratching the back of my head

We heard loud footstep on our way

"Excuse me," We noticed Momoko's mom and Dad are here with Momoko's younger sister

"How's Momoko?" Her mom asked the Doctor

"Mam, settle down, As the results came, The three girls are in a coma," The Doctor said

"What!?" We all said in unison

"Easy, but the good news is two of the three girls suffered mildly, so they can wake up anytime soon but the bad news is the other one has the serious case among the three of them, so we can never conclude when will she wake up," The doctor said

"Oh no! It must be.. " I said

"Yes Professor, the girl you brought here," The doctor said

"Huh!" Brick said

"Doc, you mean?" Momoko's mom asked sobbing

"I'm sorry mam," The doctor said and took his leave

"Momoko," Momoko's mom sobbing on what she heard

"Calm down honey," Momoko's dad trying to calm her wife

"Big sis," I heard Momoko's sister crying

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