Chapter 20: New Powers!

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No One's POV

"Long time no see, PPGZ!"

"Wait a second! You three are the.. " Kaoru asked

"The Powerpuff Girls! Your counterparts! " PPG Buttercup said smirking

"Bubbles!" Miyako approaches Bubbles and give her a hug

"I missed you Miya-chan!" Bubbles said cheerfully

"Me too, my little Bubbles!" Miyako said happily

"We received the news that Momoko and you two, loosen your powers am I right!?" PPG Blossom asked

"Yeah! But we're okay now, but your counterpart, we don't know when will she wake up!" Kaoru said pointing on Momoko

"Is your powerbelts can help you transform into PPGZ?" Bubbles asked

"We don't know! It's broken now.." Miyako said looking at her broken powerbelt as well as Kaoru

"Where's the RRB?" Boomer asked

"Oh..your counterparts! They are doing fine! In fact they are helping us..fight some villains!" Buttercup said

"Oh..Are they going to visit us?" Butch asked

"Well..apparently! They are now kicking some villains butts now!" Blossom said

"Why so sudden you three visit?" Brick asked

"We have a gift for the PPGZ!" Bubbles said

"What is it!?" Kaoru said

"Well..Each of us has a correspond gift to our counterparts!" Buttercup winked
"What's for the gifts so sudden!?" Miyako asked

"We will give our gifts as a thanks for helping us getting see each other and helping us get back to our world!" Blossom said smiling

"Buttercup! You first.." Blossom ordered and Buttercup nodded

"Kaoru-chan! Hold my hand and close your eyes!" Buttercup asked Kaoru nodded

"Okay!" Kaoru hold her hand and close her eyes

"What is this I'm feeling!?" Kaoru feeling something flowing inside her body

"There!" Buttercup let go of her hand

"That's my gift for you! One of my abilities and haft of my powers!" Buttercup said

"Wait! My powerbelt! It's electrifying! " Kaoru noticed her belt

"Your belt is going back to what it use to be because of the new  powers that have tranfered to  you!" Buttercup assured her

"Thanks!" Kaoru high five Buttercup

"No problem! CP!" Buttercup chuckled

"My turn!" Bubbles hold Miyako's forehead

"What are you doing!?" Miyako questions

"I'll give you my gift!" Bubbles smiled at her

"Okay!" Miyako nodded

"There! Finish!" Bubbles said removing her hand to Miyako forehead

"A powers also!?" Miyako asked

" new discovered ability and half of my powers that will get your powerbelt back to what it is!" Bubbles said

"Thanks!" Miyako hug her again

"Look! Miya! Your belt is flashing! " Kaoru pointed to Miyako's belt

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