Chapter 17: Kaoru is Awake!?

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2 Weeks later..

At the Hospital..

Butch's POV

2 weeks! 2 weeks! Still no sign of recovering!

It's 10:00 pm in the evening, I fell asleep on Kaoru's side

In dreamland..

"What place is this!?" I sight on the sorroundings

I look everywhere and a certain bed caught my eyes, a light green bed where a certain person is there! I approaches the bed and I gasped!

"Kaoru!" I shouted

No response!

I sat beside her bed! And shaking her hand..

"Kaoru I'm here! Wake up!" I sobbed

No response!

Suddenly, A man enters in a lab coat.. and said

"I'm sorry sir! She's gone!" I beieved the doctor said that

"No!" I yell at him

"I'm Very sorry sir!" The doctor said

"No! It can't be! Kaoru! Please!" I cried out

And then someone shaking me! Who's that!? There is no one in my back..

"Baka! Wake up!" I heard a voice coming

"Who's that!? " I shouted

"Baka! Pervert!" The voice said out loud..

I gasped!

End of Dreamland..

I was awaken by a certain voice, I lift my head and I was shocked on what I'm seeing!

A raven haired girl, looking at me in stern eyes! What!?

"Kaoru!" I quickly gave her a tight hug

"I can't breath Baka!" She groaned

I let go fast..

"Thank God! Your awake! I thought your not waking up!" I said

"Shut up Baka! Where are we?" She said looking at the sorroundings

"Your here in the hospital! " I said

"Hospital? " She said

"Yup! You'd been in a coma for almost 2 weeks!" I explain

"What?!" She said in surprise

"And also Momoko and Miyako is also in coma! Look!" I pointed the two beds beside her

"Oh no! When did they got in coma!?" She said

"About the same day as you!" I said

"How long will be they be like that!?" She question

"The doctor said Miyako will wake up anytime soon as you did! But.." I paused

"But what?" She asked

"But Momoko, the doctor said he didn't know when will Momoko wake up, because she is now im the worse situation than you two!" I saod further

"This is not good! Did her parents know about this!?" She asked worried

"They know! Actually they are here! With your parents! There!" I point at the large sofa and a mini bed where they're parents are asleep

"Oh!" She said

"Uhm! Kaoru?" I said

"Yeah? What is it?" She asked

"Kaoru, your parents already know that your A powerpuff!" I said

"No way! Who told them!? Are they mad of me hiding it from them!? Tell me Butch!" She gasped all the questions

"Easy Kaoru! Actually Professor told them and your parents are not mad actually, they are proud of you!" I greatfully said to her

"Really!?" She said

"Yup!" I said

While we are talking, I heard a voice from behind..

"Kaoru! Your awake!" Kaoru's dad bursted beside me

"Yeah dad!" She cheerfully said

"Thank God! We really worried that you'll never awake!" Her dad said

"Oh dad! Don't talk like that! I'm awake now!" She happily said

Kaoru's dad hug her tightly..

"Hey guys! Wake up! Kaoru is awake!" I shouted

"What!? Seriously?" Professor said gasping

"Yes Professor I'm awake now!" Kaoru assured them

"I'm so glad Your awake!" Professor said teary eyed

"Glad your okay Kaoru!" Brick said

"Thanks Red head!" She said

"Glad you wake up sis!" Dai said

"Thanks Bro!" She responded

Kaoru has finally awaken, what about Miyako and Momoko? Fine out next..


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