Chapter 7: Punks VS Ruffs

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Momoko's POV

Finally end of another class, I'm here at Park with girls along with the boys , yesterday  was is a little bit dizzy day because of our sudden collapsed.

"How do you feel today?" Brick asked me

"A little bit fine now," I said

"Good to know, " Brick is feeling down

"What's the matter?" I asked in concern

"Uhh..nothing much," he said still in lone faces

"Is there a problem Boomy?" Miyako asked Boomer

"Nothing," Boomer still spacing out to her

"Hey Butch, I didn't notice that you have lonely face, what's bothering you?" Kaoru asked Butch

"Uhh..Nothing, " Butch replied

The boys are down today, I don't know what's going on.


"What's that? " Kaoru sight

"Three girls destroying the city!" The people's screamed

"Run!" They said

"What's going on here?" Miyako asked

And Three figures appeared in front of us.

"No Way!" The boys reacted

"Can't be," Miyako said in shock

"How is this possible!" Kaoru reacted

"The Punks are alive," I said

"Hi Blossom, Miss me!" Berserk smiled evilly

"Oh Bubbles, " Brat smirked

"What's up Buttercup!" Brute grinned

"Long time, no fight girls!" Berserk laugh

"It's been two years huh!" Brute said

"Girls let's go, " I shouted and they nodded

Hyper Blossom!

Powered Buttercup!

Rolling Bubbles!

Powerpuff Girls  Z!

"Let's finish this!" I launch attack on Berserk

"Missed it!" She laugh

"Hey Brat!" Bubbles launch on Brat

"Haha, Miss me!" Brat dodge it

"Brute!" Buttercup launch her hammer

"Didn't touch me!" Brute teased her

We are still fighting them when,

"What is happening?" I hold my head feeling dizzy

"No!" I heard Buttercup scream in pain

"It hurt!" Bubbles scream

"I'm glowing, what's wrong?" I noticed I'm detransforming

I saw the same as Bubbles and Buttercup

"No not now!" I'm gonna fall

"Gat 'cha!" Brick caught me

"Thanks Brick, " I only said then I felt dizzy and Blank..

Brick's POV

Oh no! The girls detransformed in the middle of the fight, Professor is right they are weakening, their power won't last long.

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