Chapter 15: Still Unconcious

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3 days after..

At the Hospital..

Brick's POV

3 days had past, still no sign, the girls are still unconscious,

"Brick?" Momoko's mom said

"Yes?" I respond

"It's been 3 days, why don't you go have some rest, we will be here for her," Momoko's mom said calmly

"I'm sorry, but I can't, As promise to you guys, I won't leave her like this, " I resist

"If you resist very well then, Momoko is so lucky to have you by her side," Momoko's mom smiled at me

Boomer's POV

"Boomer dear?" Miyako's grandma said

"Yes?" I said back

"Take care of my granddaughter, I'll take my leave now, to have some rest, I'm counting on you Boomer," Miyako's grandma said

"Yes mam! I will!" I cheerfully said

I turned to see Miyako still no response, and I lean closer to her ear and said

"I love you Miya, please wake up," I whisper to her

Butch's POV

"Hey kiddo?" Kaoru's dad asked

"Yeah?" I said

"3 days have past, You haven't still slept well, I won't you rest for a while, I will look over her, while her mom and brother's are at the house making lunch for all of us," Kaoru's Dad said

"I'm fine sir, I just can't leave Kaoru at this state," I said

"You really love my daughter huh?" He said

"Yes sir, I will always stay by her side no matter what," I said smiling while looking at Kaoru still no response to us

"I never thought my daughter will have a dedicated boy like you," He said


Outside the Hospital building..

Berserk's POV

"Look girls, The PPGZ are in a coma!" I said while spying at them

"Oh! That's great! This is the day!" Brat smiled evilly

"I love the scenes here!" Brute said grinned

"Poor Bricky! His precious girlfriend has the worse situation than the others!" I smirked evilly

"What do you mean?" Brat asked

"You know girls, Blossom I mean Momoko have the most energy of the powers of the light rays, since the first light rays is the most powerful one, thats why she have most powerful ability among them," I said

"So what's the worse?" Brute asked

"It means if you have the most power within your body, the worst will effect to you when the powere is unused for almost a year or more!" I said

"And what will happen?" Brat still don't get it

"For short! Now that they are in coma, the two have a chance to wake up, anytime, " I shouted in irritating tone

"And? What about the other one?" Brute asked again

"I think she'll never wake up!" I laugh evilly

"What now?" Brat asked

"Destroy New Townsville!" I conclude

"Good one!" Brute said

"This will be fun!" I said

"What about the boys?" Brat asked

"Don't worry! They are no match against us! And beside I have a plan for them!" I said

"Ohh!" Brute and Brat nodded

Back to the Hospital..

Professor's POV

"Dad?" Ken asked me while we are heading to the room where the girls are

"Yes Ken?" I respond

"What if they never wake up?" Ken asked nervously

"Don't think like that Ken, believe in them," I said robbing Ken's hair

"What about Momoko?" Ken asked

"The doctor said, Kaoru and Miyako may wake up anytime soon,but for Momoko, we'll hope that she soon wake up," I said

"They said that they don't have the possibility on Momoko waking up!" Ken is sobbing

"Let's hope that she's can wake up," I said

"Why is this happening to them?" Ken said

"You really love them, don't you specially Momoko, right?" I said to Ken

"I admit it! At first I'm not into them being at lab, doing they're stuffs, but when the days came past, I'm used to them being there, especially Momoko, even she always take away my cakes in the ref, I'm use to her, because I learned that even she is hyper as her name, she have to soft spot to protect others with all her strength, They are used to be my older sisters, in the past two years!" Ken explained

"Let's hope for the best for them! Especially Momoko!" I cheer him up

"Thanks dad!" Ken said

Oh, still the girls are unconscious, The punks have they're plan to destroy the city, what will happen while the heroes of New Townsville are in coma? Can the boys save New Townsville without the PPGZ!


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