Chapter 19: Loosing Hope?

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A Month After..

No One's POV

Kaoru and Miyako are now discharge to the hospital..

At the park..

"It feels so good being here again!" Kaoru yawning in joy

"You sure been so excited to be free now!" Butch asked her

"Yup! It's bored being a month inside the hospital! " Kaoru said

While the two are busy with their conversation..

"Uh Boomer?" Miyako said while sitting on the bench with Boomer
"Yeah? Is there something wrong? " Boomer look at her

"Uhm..nothing! Its just I'm know?" Miyako look down

"Worried about what?" Boomer questioned

"You know about Momoko! I'm worried that she never wake up!" Miyako is looking down

"Don't think about that! Just believe in her okay?" Boomer give her a warm answer

"Yeah?" Miyako look up to Boomer

"Did you know that the Professor once said us that Momoko is very Brave and she can risk her life just to save others! He also said that admit that Momoko must be the leader of the team because of her braveness and love for others!" Boomer smiled looking at her

"Really? I also thought that for years! She really deserved to lead us!" Miyako give him a small smile

"Don't loose hope okay?" Boomer said

"I won't! " Miyako said back

"Hey guys! What's the buss?" Kaoru approaches the two with Butch at her side

"Yeah Boom! Is there something wrong?" Butch asked Boomer

"Well! Nothing much!" Boomer scratch his head

"Hey Miyako!" Kaoru called Miyako

"Yes?" Miyako looks at Kaoru

"Let's visit Momoko at the Hospital! " Kaoru smiled at her

"Sure!" Miyako's facd lighten up

"Great timing Kao-chan! I also want to know how's our brother there? Right Boom?" Butch said

"Yeah! I'm pretty worried about Brick! He's not getting some rest!" Boomer said

"Okay! What are we waiting for!?" Kaoru said

"Let's go!" Miyako stand up

While heading to the Hospital..

"Miyako?" Kaoru asked Miyako

"Yes? Kao-chan!" Miyako asked

"I know you are too worried much for Momoko! Right?" Kaoru said while walking with the boys behind them

"Yeah..I know it's weird worrying too much!" Miyako chuckled

"It's not weird! People used to worried that much when a important person is unconscious! " Kaoru said to her

"Kaoru?" Miyako asked

"Yes?" She look at her

"Are you worried also about Momoko? " Miyako asked

"Well..I admit it! Even I'm used to argue a lot with her! I'm a normal person who used to worried for a friend!" Kaoru looks away

"Eh!? If you give Momoko a chance to lead us when she wake up! Will you do that?" Miyako asked her sincerely

"What!?" Kaoru look at Miyako confused

"Kaoru!? Listen up! Please! " Miyako convincing Kaoru

"Fine! I surrendered! I admit that she deserves to lead us! Happy now!" Kaoru groaned

"Kaoru!? Are you sincere!?" Miyako asked back in serious tone

"Yeah..! I'm sincerely okay!" Kaoru raised her hand

"Good!" Miyako smiled cheerfully

"Come to think of it! She better lead us! Because I know leaders have lots of responsibilities than the others!" Kaoru thought to herself

At the Hospital..

Knock! Knock!

"Come in!" Brick said

The door open and shows Kaoru, Butch, Miyako and Boomer..

"Hey Bro!" Butch waved

"Hey guys.." Brick response in tired tone

The four approaches Brick sitting besides Momoko's bed

"How's Momo?" Kaoru asked

"Still unconscious! " Brick said straight

"Oh.." Kaoru only said

"Brick? Where's her parents and Kuriko?" Miyako said scanning the room

"Uhm! They got home for some rest!" Brick said not looking at them

"Oh..I see!" Miyako said

"Bro? Are you okay?" Boomer asked Brick

"Uhm..yeah! Why?" Brick said in crack tone

"You seems all tired up! Why won't get some sleep on the couch?" Boomer said worrying on his brother health

"No thanks! I'm just staying here!" Brick said

"Common Red head! Your Brothers are just worried about you!?" Kaoru said crossed arm

"Yeah Bro! We will take care of Momoko! Okay!?" Butch assured his Brother

While they are talking!..

A big hole appear in front of them..

"What was that!?" Kaoru's eyes dropped

"A big hole of?!" Butch said

Three figures goes out of the big hole!

"Wait! A sec! You three are?" Kaoru said in shock

"Long time no see! PPGZ!"

Oh hoh! Who do you think is the three appeared in front of them! Find out next and the final chapter!

Book 3? Maybe?


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