Chapter Forty One- Indigo

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Nyx didn't seem to like me too much, but when Maritza came strolling in a day after her trip to America, she assured me that she didn't like anyone anyway, so I shouldn't feel bad.

"Thanks. I feel a lot better." I snorted.

Maritsa just rolled her eyes and migrated to the living space, where she started to unpack all of her things.

"So when do I take my test?" I asked, hoping I didn't sound too impatient and childish.

"I can take you today if you want." She said, not looking up from her bag.

I nodded, but quickly realized that she can't see my actions so I just said, "okay."

Maritsa grabbed an armful of clothes and dropped it off in her room.

I was about to collapse onto the couch when there was a light knock at the door.

I tapped the button on the wall and the door slid open to reveal a girl I've never seen before accompanied by an unfamiliar boy. They seemed young.

"Hi! I'm Izzy. And this is-" she elbowed her partner in the ribs and he let out a raspy, "Roye."

Izzy just stood still with her arms behind her back and a huge smile plastered across her face.

I decided to break the silence. "If you need Maritsa I can go get her for you-"

"No. We were actually planning to show you around. We asked Isaac if May Lynn's granddaughter could join us, but apparently she was 'busy' and he slammed the door in our face." She turned to Write. "Wasn't he rude, Roye?"

The boy gave an impatient "yes" and continued to stare at the floor.

Izzy just have him an annoyed side glare and continued. "So anyway, can you come with us?"

"I have to take my physical today."

"Please!" She looked so desperate for a yes that her face turned a bright crimson.

"I, uh. . ." I glanced back at Maritsa, folding laundry in the other room. "MaritsaimleavibngbecauseIzzy'sforcingme bye. . ."

I slid out if the doorway as Maritsa glanced up confusion written all over her face.

The door slid shut and I let them guide around not listening for at least a half hour. Until we passed a familiar set of quaint looking double doors.

I did a double take and stopped in my tracks, grabbing Izzy by the sleeve of her jacket to which she responded with a grunt of annoyance.

"Show me the ballroom." I said, not taking my eyes off of the ethereal doors.

"But we never use it." Roye said.

"I know. But I still want to see it!" I replied loudly.

At that, Izzy huffed and walked at the doors, pushing them open.

They gave a screech yet still opened. It was a vast room of shining gold and numerous paintings of angels and elegant woman and men.

I gaped at the two chandeliers dangling from the walls. This room was the epitome of fancy.

And I never wanted to leave it.

"Why would you never use it?" I asked, bewildered. "You should throw a ball!"

"We never have time I guess." Izzy shrugged and skipped out the doors, hoping I would follow. But I didn't.

I watched her leaving without me, and stayed to attend in amazement at every detail.

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