Sucks To Be You

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Jacob's POV

I felt like I just made the hugest mistake in my life. Better that than getting beaten up to death. I persisted in eating my lunch whilst my neck was still pained from the she-devil's grip on my collar. Mrs. Conner knew all my weaknesses so I could never win an argument with her. I was forced against my will to be Rebecca's tutor without me even being aware. Dylan laughed at me hysterically. But who could blame him? He wasn't in my position. I only ignored him and ate my lunch. He didn't stop until I was done.

I got up from the table to throw away the rest of my food, and Dylan followed, "Jake. Come on, dude. Grow a fucking pair. Did you not hear yourself wailing back there? Don't tutor this chick."

"What choice do I have now?" I said, buying a can of orange soda from the vending machine. 

"I was rooting for you, man. You literally could've done anything. Strangled her. Hit her in the tit. Grabbed her by the womanhood..." He said as I shook my head. Dylan may have lost a few brain cells over the years, but he was still a pain in my ass. For a guy who hasn't been beaten up in a long while, surely forgot how it felt since being accepted as the school's crackpot. 

"I'm sorry. Are you trying to get me killed or get me arrested?"

"Jake. Since primary school, it's always been the two of us. We're reaching eighteen! And look around, bro! We're not in primary school anymore! Believe it or not, Rebecca's actually doing you a favor by making your junior to senior year a living experience. I mean, come on. Do you really want people to see you as a pussy when you graduate?"

I couldn't help but think Dylan was the dumbest person alive. The whole school knew that I'd rather be a pussy than be dead. What kind of gibberish was he talking about?

I turned to him and grinned, "You really are a fucking idiot, aren't you? I'm not risking my life just to tutor some dense hood chick. I'm trying to fulfill my dream here. No one, not even she, can prevent me from doing that. I'm the fucking tutor and I make the fucking rules." I drank my canned soda and thought positively, gaining some ambition.

"Now we're talking! So when do you guys start?"

"Whenever she feels like it." I pouted, throwing my can in the recycle bin. Who was I kidding? She'd eat me alive.

After lunch, I spoke to Mrs. Conner about her picking someone else as Rebecca's tutor. I declined multiple times, but she just didn't seem to understand what the problem was and kept trying to convince me. I was the only kid in my class to get straight A's; a person with great knowledge and motivation. It was a mission impossible that I never expected to take place. I now regretted being blessed with these great smarts. God, bare with me now.

"I don't know what to tell you, Jacob. I've tried everything and Rebecca just isn't getting the help she needs from someone else." Mrs. Conner's voice was heavy with defeat.

"Maybe we can try a different approach then?" I suggested, knowing that it was probably futile but wanting to give it a shot anyhow. "Rebecca seems to be very fragile and easily triggered; maybe if convince her to seek therapy and talk to the guidance counselor more, she'll be more willing to open up about her problems." Mrs. Conner gave me an uncertain look.

"I don't think that's going to work." She said after a long moment. "Rebecca's been through so much pain and she doesn't want to talk about it. She's too proud."

"We'll never know until we try." I pleaded. "Please, Mrs. Conner? I'm not trying to die this early. I have a future ahead of me that I'm trying to fulfill."

"I'm sorry, Jacob. But we can't keep pushing her if she doesn't want to change. And you could use the extra credit, right?"

I nodded, knowing that she was right. Fuck. I had to accept that Rebecca was going to be a lost cause and move on with my life. "You'll be fine. I promise. And I want feedback." Mrs. Conner said before she walked away. I felt like I was losing my mind. I was tutoring Rebecca Valentine.

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