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Rebecca's POV

Thursday, June 16, 2012

"Chris, stop. We're gonna be late for Science." I said as he left delicate pecks down my neck. My legs were already straddled on his lap and my arms wrapped around his neck. We spent our whole afternoon on the school bleachers making out, and now it was difficult for us to stop.

"Why watch two chemicals react when that can be us right now?" He groaned. I bit my lip with a smirk and kissed him with tongue. He quickly responded to it and located his hands along my hips.

"Rebecca Valentine and Christopher Andrews." My Spanish teacher Mrs. Gomez said with arms crossed over her chest. "Why am I not surprised? You do realize that in order to graduate, you actually have to attend your classes, right?" God, what a mood killer. I rolled my eyes, sighing as I got off Chris's lap.

My relationship with her was decent. I mean, she was no Mr. Stevens. That was one. And two, unlike other teachers, she knew what I was going through. But she was still kind of a bitch at times. Mostly towards my relationship with Chris, which I thought was odd. Chris was a teacher's pet. Which meant he got off the hook for nearly everything. Grades, tardiness, and late homework assignments. Why? Because of his dysfunctional yet problematic family matters. His dad went to prison a few years back and Chris did whatever in his power to get him out, which unfortunately failed.

He stood up and cleared his throat, "Is there a problem senorita Gomez?" He always did this, and it was unnecessary. We were already in enough trouble and he was only making it worse. I tried convincing him to ignore it, but he never listened. What more was I to do? He was stubborn and practical. Which was why we were a perfect match for each other.

"Chris, you're a good kid. So why don't you act like one, hmm?"

"It's too much work." He shrugged as I slightly chuckled.

"Get to class. Now. That goes for you too, Rebecca."

"Or what? Come on, senorita Gomez. We're good students. Rebecca hasn't failed a single test and I... I haven't skipped a class in the last month."

"I'm your teacher, Chris. Not your friend. And you're real lucky I'm not going to report your ungrateful asses to the principal's office. Get to class or it's a detention."

"Oh, please. Is that the best you've got?" He smirked, raising a brow. Okay, now it was crucial. I knew Chris wasn't the best influence for me, but I loved him. For the past few months, his behavior had been acting up real fast. I didn't exactly know what it was or why he always so moody. He went from this adorable, compassionate guy to an angry troublemaker in seconds. I had yet to confront him about it. I was honestly scared to.

"Chris!" I said to make him stop.

"Rebecca shut the hell up! You're not helping the situation here!" To have heard him say that, shattered my heart to pieces. He wasn't always this aggressive, and he never told me to shut up. Honestly, I didn't know where his head was at right now because I've never seen him act this way since we had started dating. I knew for sure that something was up because this was not the guy I fell in love with.

"And neither are you!" I took my backpack and left the football field without giving him an explanation. When he was ready to come and apologize to me, I'd be waiting. He needed some time to cool down before starting an argument with the wrong person.

"Becky...." I turned back and saw the look of regret in his eyes before he got yanked back by Mrs. Gomez.

"Do what's best for her, Chris. Before you make matters worse."

I did a 180° turn and continued my route. I wasn't just gonna stand there and watch him make a fool out of himself. The situation could've been handled more civilly. I shook my head and headed into the building. The more our relationship got serious, he would push me away whenever he had the opportunity. At times I would question what I did wrong or where it went wrong. Was he getting bored of me? Of us? Any time I would bring up the situation, he would try and change the subject.

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