The Lies We Tell

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Thursday morning, I decided not to go to school. It was my mom's day off and Bella didn't have school today either. Why not have a little girls' night out? I could really use one after the stressful week I went through.

In my bed, I grabbed my phone off the table next to me and shot a quick text to Alyssa. It would be no fun if I didn't have my friend with me to spend the day off with. After her breakup with Caleb, I felt like she would need a little cheering up and turn her frown upside down.

I heard my mom knock on my door. I told her to come in and she did exactly that. "Becca, Adam's here for you." She said. The last thing I wanted to do was see that prick. Not only did he break up with me for no good reason, but also never bothered telling me about Caleb and Alyssa's relationship. But all of that was water under the bridge when he admitted to cheating on me with Linsdey. You go out with a guy for two years and his loyalty just suddenly fades away.

"Don't want anything to do with him," I said carelessly. I put my eyes back on my phone screen and checked my Twitter account.

"Look, if you're going through something with him, you're gonna have to tell him yourself."

"Mom! We're over! I have nothing else to say to him."

"Really? Cause apparently, he doesn't know that." I looked at her annoyed then rolled my eyes. My momma wasn't one of those moms who did things for you when you wanted. Unless you had a really good explanation for it, she'd take care of it. But that never seemed to go the way I wanted it to. Ever. 

I got out of bed in a white crop-top and light blue booty shorts to answer the door. It would be useless to change into something proper for someone who wasn't supposed to be here in the first place.

At the door, I opened to see Adam looking gloomy and upset. If he thought that I was gonna feel some type of sympathy for him with him looking like that, he was gonna have to recheck my profile. For all I know, those gloomy eyes could turn into lust at any second.

"Leave," I said harshly.


"I said leave!" He looked at me confused and speechless.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about them. Okay? And I'm sorry that I fucked shit up between us. But I only did it cause I promised Caleb I'd keep his secret. Why are we even fighting cause of that? None of that concerns us, Becca. If their relationship is fucked up, it's on them."

"Oh, so we're just gonna ignore your lyin' ass cheating on me with Linsdey? How the fuck am I supposed to trust you when you're keeping secrets from me? Huh? It took two fucking seconds for you to get over me after we broke up, and ten fucking seconds to tell me you loved me right before we had sex. Are you fucking dense or did you just get too many balls hit into the head?" 

He shook his head confused, "What do you mean? What happened with Linsdey was just temporary. She could never replace you."

"Oh, my fucking god! Don't give me that, Adam." 

"What, you don't believe me? Are you being fucking serious? We've been going out for six months, Rebecca." He said, evidently gaslighting me. I was deadly serious. His demeanor and bearing had changed. There was no way that I was gonna put up with it any longer. Rebecca Valentine was better than that.

"Is that the card you're gonna play?"  

"You tell me. You actually think I told you I loved you just to have sex with you?" With me being unable to respond because of his sudden need to change the narrative, he looked at me in shock and scoffed, "Wow. I guess two minds do work alike." He left my doorstep and I slammed the door after him. Thank god that was over. 

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