The Night Everything Went Down

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I read a book at the dining table, waiting for them to finish. Man, they took long. What happened to this won't take long? An hour almost passed for Christ's sake. I was fed up with it. I could hear them groaning, moaning, and giggling. So I put my earphones on and listened to some music. I progressed on reading 'The Running Man'. I haven't gotten too far in yet, but it was off to a great start.

I turned pages and looked up to see the twosome come out of the guest room. Adam tried buckling his belt buckle, and Rebecca had her hair slightly messed up. She put it up in a ponytail and fixed her lipstick. Great. Now the guest room smelled like sex. And now I had to get rid of the stench before my parents got home.

I took off my earphones and paused my music. It was about goddamn time.

"Okay, Jacob. She's all yours." Adam said, breathing heavily. They both smiled at each other, leaning in to kiss, and I looked away. Gross. On all levels.

"Ooh. I gotta jet. I'll call you later, babe," He said, checking the time on his watch. He picked up his things and left my house in a hurry. Despite the huge delay, we could finally get something done while we still had some time left. But the moment Adam had left, it was silent. Too silent. Rebecca stared at me, and I stared at the ground.

"So... do we start?" I asked slightly unsure.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever." She said carelessly. She took her bag and pulled out a chair right next to me. My palms started to sweat. I felt anxious. I could feel her eyes peer right at me as I took my books out of my backpack. My glasses started to fog up. I took them off for a quick second to wipe them with the hem of my shirt. 

And just as I slid them back on, she stopped me, gripping onto my arm. "Wait. Take them back off. I wanna see something." I did what I was told, leisurely taking off my glasses. She smiled. I couldn't get myself to look into her eyes, solely because it would've been awkward. What was there to smile about? Her hand was brought under my chin to make me face her.

"You have really pretty eyes, Pierce. You should think about getting contacts." The first compliment from her that I've ever got from her. And I have to say, it felt pretty good. 

I cleared my throat and put my glasses back on, "T-thank you. Uh. We should probably get started now." I giggled nervously, avoiding her gaze. That was odd. And quite suspicious. As usual, I overlooked it. I wasn't that gullible. We both knew this was just another sick prank.

"Relax, Pierce. I'm not gonna bully you in your own house. Some things are better to stay in school." She smirked.

"Oh. Right. Okay. So let's start off with English." I heard myself tremble through the sound of my voice and cleared my throat anew. Rebecca placed her worksheet on the table for me to see. Complex sentences. Was she serious? Those were the basics. But I wasn't going to judge.

"Oh, okay. Complex sentences. This is an easy one." I said.

"For you, maybe." She scoffed.

"Come on. A baby can pick this up." I said and she chuckled.

"A complex sentence is a sentence that has a dependent clause and an independent clause, right?" She nodded.

"So, the phrase Although Denise had some doubts, she found the courses very useful, what are the independent clauses and dependent clauses in this sentence?" She looked at the worksheet carefully, fully contemplating, and furrowed her eyebrows.

"What the hell?" She said confused.

"Take note that a dependent clause is also a subordinating clause."

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