The Indulgence

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I saw Dylan enter the classroom, ambulating straight up to me the minute he saw me. "Damn, what the hell happened to you?" He asked as he sat in the empty seat next to me.

"I stood up for myself, remember? Something that you told me to do." He cloaked his chuckle and slowly applauded.

"Hey, I've gotta give it up to you. I'd never thought that you would have the balls to do that." He scoffed.

"Something good better happen to me after what I just went through." Knowing myself, I was lucky enough not to go through things like karma. I'd been a good person until I came to this school. Incidents took a wrong turn very quickly.

"You up for some streetfighter tonight?" He asked. I know we agreed to play video games but either he forgot there was a dance tonight or he surprisingly didn't have a date like he thought he would.

"You're not going to the dance?"

"With who? Since when do we go to those? I think you got a concussion, bro." We both laughed as we heard the second bell ring. Class began and thus far, Mrs. Conner hasn't yet arrived. Why become a teacher if you're never going to show up on time?

• Rebecca's POV

At my locker, I was waiting for Alyssa to breeze in those school doors knowing that she was gonna be late today. Her car broke down last night, and since her cousin Matthew was in town, he was the one giving her a lift this morning.

Matthew García was one of my best friends in the whole world and my favorite person; after Bella and Alyssa of course. Not only cause he was Alyssa's cousin, but because he was boyfriend material. He was cute, sweet, funny, and a great cuddler.

The only problem was... he was gay. Why were all the gay ones so perfect? He didn't compare to Adam at all! I just wished all guys could be like him. It was sometimes hard to communicate cause, well, he was Columbian and he didn't speak English very often back home. But his accent was to die for.

Overall, I was beyond excited to see him after school.

"Hey, Bex! Long time no see. Word on the street is you don't have a date to the dance." Owen, my annoying yet sexy previous friend with benefits said. 

"No, Owen. And that's because I'm not going. Okay? So you can fuck off now."

"Come on, babe. We had our fun. And now that Adam's out of the picture..."

"Look, Owen. You're cute and all but you're not exactly boyfriend material. Nor my type. Alyssa didn't put you up to this, did she?"

"A guy can't just ask his ex-fling to the school dance?"

"Not unless he's desperate. And stop calling it a fling."

"We had sex fifteen times. And yes, I kept track." I snickered. Not because the attractive idiot was keeping track of how many times we had sex but because he was cute. Owen and I could never be a couple. Solely because he was nothing but a fuckboy.

"I won't go to the dance with you. But I'll fuck you."

"That's not the point."

"You only have one option," I smirked.

"Miss Valentine! Skipping class again?" The school's most hated teacher called from behind me. Oh, god. Please help me now.

I sighed annoyed and turned to face her, "I wouldn't include Spanish as a class." I said as I faked a smile.

"It doesn't matter what your opinion of a class is, you're supposed to be in it. The bell rang three minutes ago. I'm assuming you would also like a detention, Mr. Thomas." She said, turning to Owen.

Shameful Indulgence (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now