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Rebecca's POV

Running into a shuddersome alley; it was dark and eerie. I wanted to take the bus home, but the last bus left twenty minutes ago. I couldn't risk walking nor running either. Dylan could still be after me. I tried calling my parents, but the battery on my phone died. I had never been on this side of town before. It was almost 1 AM and I couldn't even find my way back to the diner.

"Rebecca!" A voice called from a distance. Shit! I recognized that voice. It was Dylan. Before he perceived my location, I hid at the bottom of a staircase, outside of an apartment. There was a wall and a fence blocking the view from the outside. If I hid well, he wouldn't be able to find me there.

"Come out, come out! Wherever you are! You little bitch!" He said, getting closer and closer. My heart rate got higher and higher at every footstep he took, approaching my hidden spot. I tried to stay quiet, but I couldn't help myself from trembling extremely. My hand went over my mouth to endorse me to stay on mute. As soon as I heard the sound of his footsteps get farther and farther, I ran up the steps and left the alley.

I ran as fast as I could, nearing what seemed to be a church. I wished it to be open, but then as I strived to open the rusty doors, they wouldn't open. I banged on it numerous times, yelling for help, but who was I kidding? No one was in there. The moment I turned around, I saw Jacob standing right in front of me. My heart beat so fast that I swore I could almost hear it. "It's okay, it's me." He panted. He looked a bit unbalanced. As if one of his legs were giving up on him.

"Oh my god, Jake! You're bleeding!" I said, remarking the amount of blood gushing through his shirt, despite his arm holding his stomach as it ached intensely.

"It's fine. We need to get out of here. Let's go." He said, taking my hand in his.

At the corner of the street, I got caught in Dylan's hold and Jacob got hit on the head with Dylan's elbow. He hid behind a fucking wall. How did I not see that coming? But then again, this guy was full of surprises. Just like his cousin. I struggled to get myself out of his clutch, but I victoriously succeeded in the end and finished it off by elbowing him in the stomach before running away. "Fuck!" He yelled. I had no choice but to leave Jacob behind. Dylan instantly started to run after me quicker than possible. He attempted to shoot me as he ran but missed. This guy did a shit job at aiming. At least it was an advantage for me to stay alive.

I ran across another street at a green light and heard a loud thud behind me. I turned to see Dylan, laid flat on the ground, in front of a known Kia vehicle. He was hit. "Get in!" Caleb said, motioning me to hurry. The timing couldn't have been more perfect. I rapidly ran back and got in the car before Dylan had the chance to get back up. Caleb did a detour around him and left him there stranded.

"We have to go back and get Jacob," I said.

"What?!" He looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Turn around, now!" I said sternly. He sighed in frustration and did as told.

We got back near the church and saw Jacob still passed out on the floor. I got out the car to help him up, holding both his feet whilst Caleb held his arms. We slid him in the backseat and proceeded our way to the hospital.


Friday, 1:38 am

At the hospital, I waited outside of Jacob's room to see him. It was intense. I knew he wasn't dead, but I just hoped that he'd be okay. Alyssa as well. The two people I cared about the most got hurt because of me. The last thing that I would've wanted was for Dylan to hurt my family like he did to Jacob and Alyssa. Especially Bella. I would've killed myself if something as critical had happened to her. You may think that it's a bit exaggerated or excessive, but I didn't care. I cared about my little sister more than anyone else on this Earth. Sincerely and truly.

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