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"What's wrong with you?" I ask.

"Nothing. It's just a little weird that you haven't mentioned a single word about him. It clearly looks like you two know each other, so why not say anything?" He asks.

"Oh, my god, Jacob. Don't do this. You're being a fucking drama queen right now and it's making me sick."

"So, now, I'm making YOU sick. Great." He scoffs.

"Yeah, if you're gonna be a fucking crybaby about it, take that shit somewhere else! Alright?! I didn't bring him here! We haven't spoken in three years! And you're getting mad at me?! Do you honestly think I give a fuck right now?!"

"You don't tell me shit! You never had! You actually expect me to sit here a--and pretend like I don't know what the fuck is going on between the two of you?!" He scoffs, "That's bullshit! It's fucking bullshit and you know it! I deserve to know! What, you don't think so?! I am sick and tired of you acting this way! I'm your boyfriend, but you still hang out w--with other guys behind my back?! If he's not important, then why keep him a secret from me, huh?"

After that last question, all was silent. Jacob finally cracked. We could still hear kids whispering and chuckling, but none of that was happening at our table. I've dated a jealous guy before, and that didn't turn out too well. Never would I ever go through that again. I thought Jacob would be different since he was the first nerd I've ever dated, but no. He was just like every other guy. And that scared me. A lot. Even though we were still early in our relationship, I didn't want to ruin it. Not like this. Instead, I let my ego get the best of me. Like always. 

"You know what? I'm not gonna sit here and get yelled at some childish geek. I thought you were more mature than that. Do whatever you want from now on. We're done." I got up from the table and took Alyssa's hand in mine as we exited the cafeteria.

"What the hell were you thinking, going out with him? First of all, you are way out of his league, and it's Eskimo Pierce for crying out loud." Alyssa says.

We sat outside the cafeteria, where Chris, Adam and his friends were sitting a few minutes earlier, "I don't know. After the whole makeover thing, I developed something for him. You know? Till today, I still don't know what that is." I sneer. I knew what I was saying might've sounded a bit crazy, but I honestly didn't know where my feelings were for Jacob. I really did like him, but I wasn't getting any relationship vibes with him. Was I going a bit too fast? All of it felt rushed.

"And you didn't tell him about this?"

"I didn't want him to get the wrong idea. That just gets me angry when boys do that. I hate that. I'd literally punch them in the throat. Like, seriously. You know how I am." She laughed and put an arm around me, laying her head on my shoulder. "Don't laugh! It's not funny!" I say as she completely ignored me and laughed even harder. I couldn't help but slightly chuckle at her laugh. Like I said before, it was contagious.

"Hi, hi! Ladies, huge party at mine tonight! Promise to be there?" Frankie asks. It was unlike her to throw a party on a school night. But why not? Frankie threw one of the best parties. Not once has she ever let us down. The only reason why she even invited us to her parties was that she was scared of us. We weren't even really friends--more like frenemies. But she invited us anyway.

"Only if you promise not to be the ratchet bitch that you are!" Alyssa says with a huge grin. Don't know if she was being sarcastic or not. Things like that didn't usually slip out of her mouth when she liked someone. Except for me, of course.

"I'll take that as a compliment. Only because I know you don't really mean that. See you guys tonight!" She says as she dissolved out of sight.

"Apparently, queen slut doesn't know the difference between a compliment and an insult." I laughed boorishly, taking her hand and leading her elsewhere.

Shameful Indulgence (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now