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• Rebecca's POV

"Rebecca." Adams calls.

"What?!" I yell as I turn back. What does this guy want again? He made his point earlier. I feel like he loves picking ridiculous fights with me.

"I'm sorry... for raising my voice at you earlier. I was really angry. It's not that I hate you or anything... I just missed you."

"It's fine. I get it. That isn't the first time I got yelled at." I sneer. He nods and walks away with a grin.

I hope he doesn't get wrong idea. I'm still upset with him; why did he smile like everything's cool between us.

"You still love him. And don't tell me I'm wrong." Jacob says. I turn to face him, feeling sorry that he had to hear our avoidable conversation.

"Of course I do. But... we just weren't meant to be." I sigh, watching Adam joke around with Caleb and his other friends in the corridor.

Holding my chin up with two of his fingers, Jacob turns my head in his direction, and kisses me. What a bad-ass move. I hope there's more to it.

"We might be." He beams. I bite my lip, smirking at his egotistic measure, and pull him close by his collar to kiss him properly. All those times that I've kissed him really paid off; he's gotten so much better at it now, but still lacks a bit with tongue.

"Come on!" I say, excitedly taking his hand into mine and rushing out the back door exit.


After having to take the bus to my place, I unlock my front door and yank him inside with me. I push him up against the door and crash my lips onto his.

I love taking control, especially with virgins. Like Jacob, they're innocent and scared. But he just turns me on even more. "Rebecca, I think we should... Oh, shit." He pants whilst I nibble the contour of his ear and aim the crook of his neck.

He's attempting to stop me, but once I start, there's no backing out.

"Wait, wait, wait. You know I'm a virgin. I don't know how to do this."

"You've masturbated before, no? I'll guide you through it. Don't worry." I grab a hold of his package and he gasps with eyes wide open.

"Ooh~ you have a very nice package down there." I smirk.

"Uh... Thanks." He gulps.

"Why don't we give it a test drive." I gaze into his eyes that were filled with lust and massage his private area a bit more.

"Y-yeah! Sure! If you promise not to break it. It's a little fragile." I chuckle at his nervousness and accompany him up to my room.

We get in my room, and I take my shirt off before taking off his. He had a cute little six pack. They were slightly visible to see because he was so skinny.

"Are you sure it's safe-" I shush him with a finger on his lips and tell him to relax. After his first time with me, he'll want to come back for more.

"Sit on the bed." I command. He does what I say and gets tense for what's about to happen next.

I straddle myself on his lap and wrap my arms around his neck. "You're gonna love this." I snicker, grinding my heat opposed to his erected cock.

That was pretty fast. I barely started anything.

His head falls back with his eyes closed, loving the pleasing sensation. "Feels good, doesn't it?" I giggle at his expression.

"It's nice for a start." He laughs and flips me on the bed with both hands. I get startled and laugh when I see him hovered over me. Is he taking initiative this time? When he's the virgin? Overall, I don't really care as long as he makes me feel good.

His lips gets in contact with my neck whilst I rapidly unbuckled his belt and slid down his pants to reveal his baby blue boxers. "Fuck. You must be experienced from watching a lot of porn." I giggle, slipping out a light moan on his bare shoulder.

Our lips reconnect, my hands finding their way up to his hair, tightening my grip on his soft yet perfectly styled haircut.

"I knew it would be useful one day." He grins.

A slight creak was heard from my bedroom door and opens just a small fracture—the wind was the first essence that ran through my head. Then I see a tiny shaped figure enter, in which I knew was my little sister Bella.

"Becca?" She asks with a croaky voice, rubbing her eyes with her hands balled up into a fist.

I push Jacob off of me and he falls to the floor right beside my bed. I put my shirt back on and zip up my shorts.

"Shit! Bella, what are you doing home alone, sweetie?" I pick her up in my arms and leave the room, giving Jacob some time to get dressed.

"I didn't go to school because I'm sick. Mommy said she went to go buy me some medicine and soup to make me feel better."

Crap! I almost forgot she stayed home today. It's better to be here than to let her be home alone  anyways. This is the second time she's walked in on me having sex.

"Awn, it's okay, sweetie. Let's wait for mommy together, okay?" She nods her head, still half asleep, and I guide her to the kitchen to make her some hot chocolate whilst her head rested on my shoulder.

Jacob comes running down the stairs, buckling his belt in a hurry. Why the fuck is he leaving so soon? "I'm really sorry. I forgot she was sick." I say. He smirks and pecks my lips.

"It's okay. She looks really wiped. Take good care of her. I'll see you tomorrow. Might be able to make it before six period." I sneer at his nerdy self and bid him good day.

After sometime, Bella and I watched Diego until Mom came home from the clinic for Bella's medication. I have completely ran out of excuses to give her for being home from school so early. I either come up with one quick or wait til I get my ass whooped.

As soon as I hear the front door unfold, Bella's head shifts away from the television, face lightens up with joy to see Mom with the groceries.

"Mommy!" She says in excitement.

"Hi, sweetie! Rebecca, why are you home so early this time?" She says with her hands on her hips, awaiting an answer.

"Really, mom? No 'Hi, Rebecca. How was your day?' "

"You betta answer the damn question before you get your ass whooped."

"I wanted to check on Bella. I was worried about her. Is that a crime?"

She gives me the look. The look that meant 'I ain't playin' witchu'.

"Rebecca, I ask you to do one thing. And that's to graduate. You think you can influence Bella to do what you're doing? Is that what you want for her, to end up like you?"

My smile diminishes, reflecting on my behaviour and remarking that it isn't what's best for my little sister. How long before she tells me I'm her role model? I need to act like one firstly.

"If you get expelled one last time, you're living on the streets. This house is for achievers not failures."

She takes Bella out of my embrace and carries her upstairs. Now I'm upset. You're supposed to be happy after watching an episode of Diego.

Shameful Indulgence (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now