Chapter 3: first broken ship

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Raph's POV
What da bloody hell?! What am I gonna do?! I can't even save him as Raph cause they see us . Okay, Okay take a breath anger won't help ya, we're talkin about Mikey he's not gonna tell me to put my helmet off right? "God damn you Rapheal He is your BROTHER fuck your helmet and all!" I yelled at myself there's no time for being selfish I have to save him I have to protect my family no matter what!.

I jumped dawn of the roof at the alley where my motorcycle was and put on my helmet and made sure my armor is fit and went to street then I run as fast as I could and took Mikey's body out of the car people were gathering in a circle and whispering everyone knows Mikey 'the happy birthday boy' so they saw his car and coming this way I have to do something so I shouted -"Nightwatcher has him" everyone stand there in silence so I said
-" and Nightwatcher is going to bring him to his home there nothing to be worry you can go" I tried to act as normal as possible after a few more staring at silence.....please believe meh go the hell away....! people stepped back and start walking separate ways slowly.
I took Mikey to the nearest roof from the lair and wait a few minutes for him to wake up, he had wound bruises all over his body and his lips were bleeding , I'm sure that Don and Le...oh I forgot he's on his vacation, anyway I'm sure they've already heard the news.
When he woke up looked at me with a shock look and surprised he always bumbling about -"Did you see the news Nightwatcher is so cool boy!"well I don't call myself cool but I let him be with all his imagination.
-" you're .... you're the Night..." he said coughing trying to smile but suddenly all his joyfulness melted like ice and his eyes filled with fear as he tried to speak
-" pleas..." he kept vouchers coughing.... it's really Hard staying calm watching him like this....
-"please don't..." ohh... I forgot I'm pretending, Ok I get it.
-"I won't tell anyone now listen I have to leave I'm sure your family heard the news and are comin for ya" he looked at me with a shaky smile...he looks miserable I could feel a knife was stabbing my heart over and over and over again
-"thanks ..dude're ....hero" he said as he was resting his eyes.
-"Don't be so sure" I said looking other side as i stood up and then I left if I was a hero or even a good brother I would've never let this happen.

So now what should I do ? I have to go home as fast as possible and come back to save Mikey as 'Raph'. So I put off my clothes and ran through the lair when I arrived as I was expecting they heard the news, so with a blink of an eye I found myself listening to Don who was screaming about a horrible news at TV he won't shut his mouth for second, we didn't have time to waste so I shouted
-"Don for a HeVEAN's sake just shut up . Shut it and listen we can go and find him instead of standing and talking about how horrible that accident was or how much dangerous was it and the possible damage of it, OKAY!?!" he froze for moment and then nodded
-"so lets go" we went to the street and took Casey with us as well.
Okay I have to do something to make them leave me.
-"hey guys let's separate, I'll check the roof and you'll check the alleys" they nodded in agreement and left.

So I can go take Mikey from where I left him I should be fast but not that fast to make them suspect me and not that slow to make him worse than now 'augh I really hate strategies why Leo isn't here to...' No,No what am I thinking I don't need him, I shook my head removing those shitty thoughts from my mind .
I jumped from the roofs till I get to that roof where i left Mikey. I kneeled beside Mikey he was too weak to talk or even to look at me he was too broken I can't handle this I can't see him like this he didn't do anything wrong why should've this happen?!
-"Mikey " I called him ....there is no response I said again and there's no response again I'm getting worried I called again and all got was a little moan after a few second
-"Night...watched... is ...that ?" this really breaks my heart...

-"No Mikey there's no Nightwatcher ,it's me Raph, I came to take ya home bro"

-"Raph what are you doin how ...did you ...found me?"

-"we heard the news me ,Don and Casey were looking for ya "

-"Raph ..he was here he ..saved me the Nightwatcher"

-"yeah buddy I know stop talking you need to rest"

-"you know?!" He said confused...oh I think I messed up

-"the.....the news said so I thought he might took you to a roof or an alley others are searching alleys lets go home with others we were so worried" he nodded I took my phone and called Donnie.

-"hey I found him we're comin home see ya there " I piggyback him and start walking ' oh he's heavier than he looks' I thought to myself but who cares.
Okay we're here I open the lair door everyone ran to us and circling us Donnie took Mikey to the lab and we waited and waited and waited for him to get better, every second was like a hell the clock's needles weren't moving...when is this nightmare ending...

Hey please write reviews i like to know your idea if you have any critics or idea show say so I can improve my works.

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