Chapter 15

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Hey guys sorry for being late I wasn't sure about the ending so it took me this long instead I updated the two final chapter together hope ya like🙌🏻🙏🏻

Nobody's POV
" take my helmet off" Raph said he was scared in all just this few seconds he thought about thousands of possibilities and Leo's reaction would he run , froze yell but even he's scared he's tired of this hide and seek game , he wanted his family back long time ago but he didn't get the chance now it's time to forget every bullshit about Night watcher . Leo's eyes widened as he was shaking " But.. But you said you don't want anyone see your face anymore?!!!" He was looking at Raph with a question face " I'm tired of hiding it doesn't matter and I need oxygen it's getting hot take it off and I'm gonna ... Say where he is " at first he was listening with bored face but with last words he came back to the serious Leo " fine " he put he's hand and take helmet of but he closed his eyes " I told ya don't need for that I'm not uglier than ya I promise .! Now open them after all it's reality " Raph didn't try do change his voice , Leo twitched something was wrong his eyes were still close ' what ?!!! What's this it's so familiar , this accent , this voice and this cunning and teasing way  I know this voice ' he thought then yelled as he opened his eyes " Raph " now there were no Night watcher there was no face that had burnt no sign of that confident guy that was taking his brother away there was just a tired Raph full of bruises and with dry blood in his face who looked like he was playing a tragic role for a long time and that made him play to deep to forget everything " Hey bro !! Miss me ?" Raph said with a grin but all he got back was silence Leo had frizzed he didn't know what to say how to be , happy ? Mad ? Sad ? How can he be happy ? He ...yes he had found him but with a very very huge price . He was siting there and looking at Raph's full of wounds body " ya not happy bro ya said I'll do anything to take him back now ya found me aren't ya happy ?" Leo was trying to say something " what did I do ? What a mindless and stupid person I am ? what have I done? Raph ... I'm.... I'm sorry.. I" suddenly he stand and break the chains with his katanas and ran but Raph knew he would do this so he ran after him and grab his waist as hard as possible " Aren't ya happy we can go home every one appreciate ya I'll be home again and even happy isn't this what ya want"
Leo was still deep into his shock " I must knew .I MUST KNEW THAT RAPH NEVER SAY THOSE WORDS TO A STRANGER !!! Why didn't I notice that how you always defend him? How much Nightwatcher was so familiar to me ?? Why did I let anger blind me this far " If Raph won't do something soon Leo will have panic attack " AUGH SHUD UP LEO ! It doesn't matter anymore ya find me !!"
Leo hugged him Raph moaned a little in pain "why ? For THE HELL SAKE !!! Why did ya let me to do this I tortured you  starve you and you just sit and look at me and played with me !!!!!you will never ever forgive me neither others , I lost all my chances " and he started to cry again the he let go and tried to go but Raph didn't let him " Look ya doofus whatever happened was in the past I lost ya one time then I lost myself and family in this fucking world so stop these nonsense. we can keep it as a secret but even want to talk about it later not now I'm tired  " Leo nodded but he was still blaming himself .
Don's POV
I was at lab looking at the wall when I heard Mikey screamed " Donnie come !!! Now !!" Okay I'll go but cause I don't have anything better to do I hope it's something interesting.
From the lab door I just could saw Mikey's frozen body that was standing and was staring at something . " Hey bro miss me? " is this a dream ? No it's the damn reality there is Raph standing in front me but surly anything other than a strong Raph he has wound and he was standing with help of Leo's shoulder " WHERE were you all this time it's almost two weeks everyone was nearly getting heart attack . Who .... Who did this to ya ? Have you been captured? Leo at least you say something where did you find him?" I asked but Leo was just standing there in silence " Does it really matter does it? I'm here now " Raph said as he was trying to smile but something's  not right .

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