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June 21, 1940
Amesbury, Wiltshire
United Kingdom

"Sir, we've arrived," the driver informed, coming to a stop on the hill. The single passenger nodded,"Thank you, Reed."

The man opened the door, his steel-toed boot squishing into the mud. Although the inclement night enshrouded the world in hazy mist, he could plainly make out the large standing stones rising from the hill. Stonehenge.

"Mr. Maddox!" A woman exclaimed, running to him from the hill,"you won't believe what we have uncovered."

Maddox frowned,"This better be good, Agent Lockhart. It's two in the morning."

The young woman nodded,"Oh, it is, Sir. We picked up on a huge electromagical pulse coming from underneath the site. After scanning the area, we detected a large antechamber under the stones. One of the most powerful cloaking spells ever recorded was hiding it in plain sight." When the woman was done informing, she let out a giddy breath.

Maddox lifted his crooked brow,"Do you always talk in between breaths?" Lockhart seemed confused, but before she could question his remark a flash of light scintillated from the ring of menhirs.

"They found the entrance to the chamber!" She exclaimed. Maddox rolled his eyes, sighing.

If only I still had that enthusiasm, he thought.

The two approached Stonehenge, and a few guards shined their flashlights as they approached. Maddox held out his golden badge with a curious 'A' like symbol emblazoned on it, along with the title James Maddox, Director.

"Director Maddox," the men stated professionally, quickly averting their lights.

Maddox frowned, looking to Agent Lockhart,"Why is Aegis's resources scanning for magical energy pulses, anyways? I thought the Summoning Circles in Berlin had been deactivated."

Lockhart smiled,"They have. But plenty of otherworldly entities had been unleashed before the deactivation. So we have been searching for a weapon to win the war for months since the enemy lines have been filled with supernatural beings. Our soldiers can't go up against dark demigods and monsters. But I think whatever is in this chamber can."

The two walking into the center of the stones, where a few men with similar Aegis badges placed four strange devices into the earth around the center stone. The devices, appearing as Tesla coils, began to glow as they established a connection to the ground. The coils starting drawing in the magical power of the earth, becoming electrified with bright purple energy.

After one of the men hit a few buttons on a remote, the four coils struck the center stone with electrical energy. The stone, after releasing a few violent flashes of light, slid to the side to reveal a set of stone steps descending into darkness.

Maddox tried to ignore Lockhart's beaming excitement.

He held his hand out, and one of the guards handed him a flashlight. He started down the steps cautiously, closely followed by Lockhart. After a moment the steps came to a stone floor in the darkness. Maddox scowled, peering around with his spot of light. He had almost said there was nothing here when the room came alive.

The torches on the walls ignited, bursting into flames. The musty cave suddenly filled with pleasant summer air, a breath of life enveloping the duo of agents.

Maddox's eyes widened,"Huh...."

In the center of the chamber laid a statue of an armored knight on a stone slab. The statue grasped an ancient shield resting on its chest. A gleaming sword was thrusted into a large rock in front of the slab. On the stone was carved the words: When he is needed, he shall awaken.

Lockhart shook her head,"I-Is know..."

The warm air swirled around the statue, and pale blue light began to flow over the figure, like mist. As the vapory energy swirled around the statue, the stone began to transform, rippling like water into gleaming metal. The mist soon enveloped the entire body before evaporating in a whisper. A knight in full armor laid before them.

The fingers under the shield suddenly twitched, and the figure shifted, taking its hands from their grip. The armored soldier arose, and pulled off his helm to reveal a young man no older than twenty-one.

He looked around curiously, his light blue eyes looking to the people standing before him.

Maddox smiled slightly,"And you are...?"

The boy grabbed the sword by the hilt, and effortlessly removed it from the stone.

"I am Callum Pendragon, son of Arthur and King of Camelot."

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