Chapter 6- The Black Knight

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Wren was nervous, to say the least.

She had never seen dark magic like the Black Knight's before. With a simple gesture, he completely obliterated innocent people. She didn't know how someone could be so heartless.

Wren sat on the end of her bed, in the room designated to her by Maddox. The room was surprisingly spacious, with a few standard pieces of furniture. She glanced at the clock on her nightstand, and frowned. The grand opening at the museum was in three hours.

A hand knocked on her doorframe, and Jupiter poked his head in. "Maddox said we better get dressed," he reported,"we'll be in Dublin in thirty minutes."

Wren smiled,"Thanks, Jupiter." He gave a nod, and closed the door behind him.

Wren picked up the dress she had been given. While the other Sentinels were guarding the museum's exterior, she had been assigned to go undercover as a guest at the black-tie gala being held for the grand opening. Although not being a huge girly girl, Wren was excited to slip on the exquisite blue dress she had been given. Along with her dress, Wren put on glittering earrings, and a dazzling sapphire pendant.

She quickly finished getting ready, and slipped into the high heels she had been dreading to wear.

Wren entered the hall, and after a moment of thinking, knocked on a door across the hall. A brass nameplate on the door read: PENDRAGON.

The door opened, and Wren was met with a friendly smile that gave her butterflies. Callum grinned, pleasantly surprised,"Oh, hi, Wren. Come in."

Wren stepped inside the doorway to find Callum's room tidy and orderly. Beside his bed was propped his lustrous shield, and Excalibur, which he had safely stuck into a rock, which she assumed was the Stone.

Callum was dressed in a formal suit, and his short blond hair was combed neatly. Wren thought he looked quite handsome, but of course, she always did. He gave Wren a warm smile. "You look beautiful," Callum said gentlemanly.

After reading her expression, he frowned,"Everything okay?"

Wren gave a nod,"I know you've been at this a lot longer than me. It's is normal to be this anxious?"

Callum chuckled,"I was terrified during my first mission. But I don't think you have much to worry about. You're pretty..." Callum looked to her smiling before catching himself,"Capable. You'll be fine."

Wren glanced down at her necklace, afraid of blushing. After a moment she crossed her arms,"Don't you need to suit up, Mr. White Knight?"

Callum tapped the belt he was wearing. The same crest that adorned his shield was miniaturized on the belt buckle. He pressed a button in the center of the buckle, and suddenly the buckle unfolded, covering him in polished armor in seconds. Soon he was fully suited in modernized body armor that was a fusion of a medieval suit of armor and military-grade protective gear.

Callum lifted up his helm-like helmet, grinning from ear to ear,"Cool, huh?"

Wren gave an awestruck nod,"Very. I take it Aegis tricked you out."

Callum gave a nod,"After my enlisting in World War II, Maddox had new armor made for me."

Wren touched the symbol on his chest, the Pendragon crest, which featured a dragon. She closed her eyes, and a vast spectrum of emotions rushed into her heart. She saw flashes of Callum's life, of him training with another boy, of riding on a horse into battle. She saw him breaking down into tears behind a closed door after Arthur's death. His awakening to find his old life completely gone, and a new world overwhelming him. Wren saw Callum's family, his friends, all of the pain he suffered and all the sadness he braved through. She could also feel the goodness in his heart, stronger than any hardship thrown at him.

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