Chapter 13- The Invasion

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The Fomorians converged.

Jupiter looked to Fletcher,"Hold on, Arrowhead." He grabbed the archer, and shot into the air. After depositing Fletcher on top of a tall building, Jupiter darted for the vortex.

Wren dashed off toward a group of panicked civilians, and Ezra flew off, roaring.

Callum charged toward the army of monstrous beings, and he evaded a slash by one of the creature's sharp claws.

Kaia threw her hand out at a fire hydrant, and it bursted open as water swirled around her. Jumping on a surge of water, she began to travel across the ranks of monsters, freezing them as her wave inundated them.

Vera ran toward a Fomorian, and she gave a swift jab into its leathery chest before punching it in the maw with her electrified gloves. The creature was incapacitated, but only momentarily; shooting back up in a crazed lunge. Vera jumped back, and frowned, noticing the hauntingly humanoid structures underlying its inhuman skin.

The Fomorians seemed to fall into two subgroups. Some were, in every aspect, feral. These ran on all fours, biting and tearing with tapering teeth. The other fomorians were somewhat humanoid, bipedal and less devolved. Although still exceedingly grotesque, these fomorians carried otherworldly weapons and seemingly possessed rationality. These were the soldiers, while the others were the savages.

A Fomorian soldier pointed a lance-like weapon at Vera, and its end glowed with sinister light. Callum lunged in front of Vera, shielding them both from a highly-charged bolt of energy.

Vera frowned,"Great, they have magical weapons."

Callum hurled his shield, beheading the lance-wielding soldier, along with a few others before the shield bounced back into his hand. He charged into the battle, Excalibur glinting in the air.

Vera was soon surrounded, and she took something from her back, her enchanted chakram. She threw the round weapon, its razor-sharp blade cutting down the creatures encircling her. The weapon caromed around her, and a dozen soldiers fell to the ground. Their bodies evaporated into midnight mist, swirling into nothingness.

Vera smirked, and caught the chakram in the air.

*    *    *

Jupiter flew through the air, shooting electricity into the streams of black smoke being breathed out of the portal.

He sliced through a mass of darkness, and it dispersed as energy coursed through it. He pointed his sword at the portal, and lightning bolts began to shoot across it violently, disrupting plumes of materializing soldiers.

Jupiter landed on the tallest building in the vicinity, and raised Thunderhead into the air. Lightning exploded across the clouds, and the sky boomed as the storm bent to the demigod's will. Electricity began to strike upward from his sword, dozens of lightning bolts shooting into the portal.

Ezra flew by the building, scorching the street below as he razed a group of soldiers. The dragon soared over the street Callum and Vera were fighting back to back on. Callum raised his shield above them, and Ezra blasted the group of soldiers around them into swirls of darkness.

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